Then & Now EP
NjS专辑介绍:We proudly present to you our Then & Now EP! We made this EP to explain everything that’s happened up till this point with our music, and to open the next chapter in our lives. We split this EP into two sections - “Then” and “Now.” The “Then” section represents a few things. First, we weren’t able to make any music this past year due to personal struggles we faced, and we wanted to explain to you what was happening and why it probably seemed like we just vanished all of a sudden. It also shows us coming back from Japan to San Francisco and the transition that we had to make. The “Now” section shows our realization that that old chapter has come to a close and despite the hardships we faced, we have a positive outlook for the future. We’re releasing this 5-track EP for free and we hope you all can vibe with it!