First Class Jazz 12 : Toots Thielemans
数十年来一直享有“ 爵士口琴第一人”称号的大师图茨·蒂勒曼斯(Toots Thielemans)成功地将口琴带到爵士乐,将它建立为一种主奏乐器,使口琴成为爵士乐主角。虽然, Larry Adler 比 Toots Thielemans 更早将口琴普及化,但 Larry Adler 较多用口琴在流行曲与古典音乐上,至於将半音口琴用在爵士乐中,就以 Toots Thielemans 为最先。Toots Thielemans是比利时人。他是欧洲爵士音乐家中最顶尖的大师之一,曾于20世纪60年代在丹麦首都哥本哈根这一欧洲爵士乐的大本营发展多年,在那儿录制了不少唱片。Toots Thielemans 在技巧上和在感情演绎上,都很杰出,他的口琴solos可以去到非常复杂的程度,追得上钢琴和萨克士风那么复杂。Toots Thielemans 口琴之音色,永远是来得那么润和甜,从不显得单薄或吃力,实在赏心悦耳。Toots Thielemans 於口琴之运用,於今世界上,独领风骚,根本没有对手。 First Class Jazz is a boxset of 20 cd's with all the great jazz legends. All tracks were previously released on the labels Verve and Blue Note. It is compiled for a news paper "De Morgen" in Belgium. You can't buy them in the music store. This is the twelfth release from the collection.