《茶香》:中国的茶文化有数千年历史,茶道兴于唐而盛于宋。唐人云以茶可行道,以茶可雅志。今天人们更将茶道归结为“廉、美、和、敬”。即“廉俭育德,美真康乐,和诚处世,敬爱为人。 歌者哈辉在参悟传统茶道的过程中,匠心独运,创造出自己独有的具有哈辉气质与内蕴的“茶•吟”之演,难度甚高,在中国乃首位。歌者婉转柔美的吟唱,伴着茶礼、茶情,令整个表演茶韵悠远,茶香四溢。 Chinese tea culture has a long history.It was in the Tang Dynasty and was widely quoted in the Song Dynasty. People in the Tang Dynasty thought that tea helped even out contrasting human emotions. Nowadays, people believe the tea ceremony promotes honesty, beauty, harmony and respect. In the process of representing the traditional tea ceremony, Hahui shows her own ingenuity, because she creates a musical representation of the artistic performance of a tea ceremony. During the tea ceremony, her musical expressions call to mind the fragrances of tea and her lovely voice infuses the performance with reminiscences of the delicate tea aroma. 【南有嘉木,叶似栀子,可煮宜饮,令睡思清。】 【此一曲回甘和梦,此一曲堪闻唐风。】 (出品:国乐壹号) 导演 黎光 简介: 女 曾获得韩国首尔国际女性电影节最佳短片提名;美国南亚帕拉契国际电影节最佳外语剧情短片奖;影片被香港中文大学纳为收藏作品。《Sound of Red》于2009年3月美国纽约“The Players”剧院放映。