Together at the Bluebird Café
严格的意义上说,美国另类乡谣音乐界的旗手Steve Earle算不上一位纯粹的乡村歌手,他的音乐中有着太多的兼收并蓄和折中主义,比那些一顶牛仔帽、一把吉他的乡村歌手要复杂得多。 Earle的个人经历相当坎坷:他从70年代初就踏入乐坛,但直到1986年才以专辑《Guitar Town》一鸣惊人。现年45岁的他已经经历过6次婚姻(!)。90年代初,吸毒和酗酒几乎毁掉了Earle的歌唱事业,94年他一度还曾因私藏毒品被判刑。但自从1995年复出以来,Earle洗心革面,创作力极其旺盛,以一年一张的速度出版专辑,而且每一张都是既叫好又叫座。以温暖而直率的真实感人著称、却从未大红大紫的Townes Van Zandt是美国乐史上最伟大的民谣创作歌手之一 Together at the Bluebird Café is a live recording of an "in-the-round" concert by three critically acclaimed Texas-born singer-songwriters, Steve Earle, Townes Van Zandt, and Guy Clark. Each of the three songwriters alternate between solo performaces of some of their best material. The album is unique for the camradarie between the three artists whose personnal lives and musical careers are very much intertwined.