Dreams Of Freedom (梦想自由)
“Everyone has dreams. 每个人都会做梦 No matter beautiful dreams or horrible nightmares. 不管是好的梦还是坏的梦 But most forget their dreams. 但大多都不会再记起 Everyone who has a dream dreams of their dream coming true. 每个有梦想的人都梦想着自己的梦想快实现 And for this they fight, struggle, persevere… 为此而坚持着 拼搏着 奋斗着 But when I think about my dream, I don’t how to fight for it. 可当我在想自己的那个梦想的时候 我却不知道那梦想该怎么去争取 Because my dream is too big to realize. 因为我的这个梦想实在太大了 I know that I may never see it come true. 我知道自己可能永远也找不到 So I give my dream a name. 所以我给我的梦想取了一个名字 I name it Freedom. 它就叫自由” - Raddam Ras (Mc Webber)