Raps 4 the Literati
Building on and outstripping his solo and collaboration efforts to date, this album sees Jazzmodic's instigator retain the earthy production whilst fine tuning the frequencies to provide more punch and dynamics. Lyrically dazzling and complex as ever, he is joined by a who's who of track makers from the Kyushu underground and surprise guests from the classical and jazz worlds. Opening with 'Big Grunt all Front' an orchestral broken hip-hop beat by Chill-Wired. The tone is set for a fiery message against the instant gratification messages of today's music industry. Followed by a continuance on that theme set in a stage of beauty and wonder by Yamori's superbly intricate production and Porl B's ethereal dreamscape lyricism. By pure coincidence, the next track is reminiscent of the last, with Porl B streamlining an adlib electro jazz track from a live set at FUSION CAFE featuring Japanese jazz and classical stars Akira Wada and Akito Mitsuda. Porl providing the first half of the track with a rendition of Ghengis Khan over Tr-8 beats and MPC sampled Rhodes, then Akira and Akita taking it away for the second half on guitar and keyboard respectively. Enormous thanks go out to them for taking these roles when they are by trade a vocalist and classical pianist. Once again, with help from or friends, Jazzmodic flips the script. Track four feels like the start of side two, with guest producer Shepherd providing a pumping techno-hip-hop background with bubbling bass keys and intermittent string stabs for Porl's motivational message. The stage is set for a Prince inspired solo track written, produced and played by the principle. Rob George started as a project to cover Prince's famed mysogynistic beat track from the black album in Japanese, but having done so, the results were so harrowing and out of touch with acceptable sentiments that it was felt better to write an original song with a less abusive tone whilst retaining the theme of gender relations over a banging beat and claps. Slowly the musical tone is being lowered to reach the zenith of re-pitched beat chemistry on 'Dark Matter', a lost track featuring Jazzmodic legend Pat D on Keys. Intergalactic, scientific and straight braggadicio lyricism abound on this frudged out, Astro planed trip-hop classic. Unusually, the title track is saved for last and sees Porl B and HD Lee trading bars on a fifteen minute drum and sub-bass workout by Hiato. Shin Imamura weighed in with Spanish guitar played on a bass, then processed to sound like the appropriate instrument (sounds back to front but if it sounds good we use it). An uplifting and party rocking set which doesn't touch on any of the academic or technical issues that Porl is sometimes fond of turning in to raps. Just straight up rap over phatness with the trademark bugged out production. This truly is 'raps for the Literati on beats to rock the party'. Another step towards a long lasting legacy by Jazzmodic Records prime instigator. We hope you play it on the phattest speakers available.