Legendary Piano Recordings: The Complete Grieg, Saint-Saëns, Pugno, and Diémer and other G&T Raritie
In 1903, the Paris branch of the Gramophone and Typewriter Company made 27 incredibly important piano records. These documented the pianism of Edvard Grieg (1843–1907) and Raoul Pugno (1852–1914). The Grieg and Pugno recordings are some of the most rare and sought after discs and are unfortunately some of the most primitive and problematic. We are pleased to say that very recent technology has allowed us to greatly reduce these problems to produce these recordings in startlingly improved versions. This set also includes the equally rare 1904 G&T sides (five in total) of Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921) playing various selections from his own works, the eight sides Saint-Saëns recorded for the Gramophone Company in 1919, and other important piano recordings made by G&T.