I Need Your Love
Mike Candys goes Afro House with his last release in 2024. “I Need Your Love” is a mellow downbeat track spreading a lot of feelings and warmth. It's the perfect way to end the year with. Following his Electro House and Hyper Techno bangers released on his usual homebase S2 Records, the Swiss sound wizard shows his musical versatility with this beauty. Mike Candys在2024年发布的最新作品中尝试融入了Afro House风格。《I Need Your Love》是一首柔和舒缓的歌曲,富有感情和温暖。用它来作为这一年的收官之作,再合适不过了。 继他推出Electro House和 Hyper Techno 曲风的热单之后,这位来自瑞士的音乐奇才再次通过这首美妙的作品展示了他的音乐才华。