中日名伶浓情献唱东京爵士 以传统美学演绎三国乐坛经典名曲 Chinese and Japanese jazz artists gather in Tokyo to bring you traditional aesthetic renditions of classic songs from their home countries and the US 在东京的深夜里 低唱最温暖的歌 如深深暮霭下的朦胧暗流 如昏黄灯火和记忆的面容 让沉郁而深情的琴声 涌入往昔之梦 On a deep Tokyo night, the low hum of a soft song can be heard, Like the imperceptible yet unstoppable drawing of dusk, Like the vivid, ever present memory of that face in the street lights, As the melancholy sound of the strings triggers a flood of dreams from years past. 回味浮世芳华中闪烁的音乐记忆 踏着即兴摇摆的爵士节拍 开启东瀛列岛的唯美纪行 音乐制作人叶云川 携手中日知名歌手与国际演奏家 以东洋美学的风雅诗意 重制经久不衰的中、日、英、流行金曲 日本录音大师于东京最佳模拟录音棚精心制作 特别采用磁带录制 全套模拟设备 匠心呈现温暖饱满音质 王韵壹、木村浩子、国贞雅子三位中日爵士名伶磁性声线 深情吟唱 以缠绵悠远的怀旧之声 温暖漫漫长夜 瑞鸣音乐诚意奉献“世界的声音”东京诗篇 The elegance of traditional Japanese aesthetic Meets the spontaneity of jazz. Timeless classic songs brought to a new light, Juxtaposing East and West, past and present, near and far. In this look back at classic songs of the past century, Classic songs from Japan are infused with elements of jazz. Let the improvised beat carry you on this journey across the Japanese archipelago, As music producer Ye Yunchuan joins hands with artists from around the world, To bring you classic Japanese, Chinese and English songs from a new perspective. Recorded in Tokyo’s finest analog sound studio, Using all analog equipment, including magnetic tapes, for a distinctive nostalgic feel. Hiroko Williams and Masako Kunisada of Japan and Wang Yunyi of China, With their mesmerizing voices, revisit old memories of times past, For this new addition to the Rhymoi “Music of the World” album series.