邓丽君,一个温婉隽永的名字,一段光影辉煌的音乐传奇。她来自于台湾省中部地区的小小山村,六岁便已经展露出令人惊叹的歌唱天赋,十四岁发行首张个人专辑,从此迅速走红并逐渐迈向海外发展。作为华语流行乐坛第一位具有国际影响力的歌手,她受到了世人的由衷喜爱和热情盛赞,被赠予“十亿个掌声”的高度评价。奈何情深缘浅,伊人早逝,让全世界的歌迷黯然神伤。从此人们只能在那恒久流传的美妙旋律中,追寻她令人难以忘怀的芳容倩影。 短暂的四十二载人生历程,邓丽君如同夜空中最闪亮的那一颗流星,在陨落前竭尽全力地散发出温暖的光芒,留下华语歌坛最缱绻难舍的集体回忆。怀念那纯真甜美的笑靥,仿佛令人心醉神怡于一个春风馥郁的夜晚。难忘那举手投足间的翩然风采,使人恍惚间坠入一个诗情画意的梦境。最倾心那轻柔曼妙的婉转歌声,浸染着淡淡幽情,穿透光阴,陪伴过漫漫人生路上的悲喜苦乐。邓丽君与她的音乐,是时间所能赠予的最珍贵的礼物,成为了一代又一代听众的心灵慰藉,绽放出超越时空的永恒魅力。 音乐制作人叶云川,回顾少年旧梦,重觅融入时代记忆的天籁之音。他再度漂洋过海,于举世瞩目的国际大都会纽约,召集一群才华横溢的新锐音乐家,以浪漫优雅的古典五重奏,全新演绎邓丽君传世金曲,致敬她流光溢彩的音乐人生。追寻芬芳四溢的《夜来香》,在清凉的南风中,聆听夜莺的啼声细唱。《月亮代表我的心》,在斑驳的树影间,以情深意切的思念倾诉衷肠。那位风华绝代的佳人,却早已《在水一方》。纵然有《千言万语》,也道不尽心中的眷念与寂寥。世事纷繁,能相遇几多知己,任时光匆匆流去,《我只在乎你》。 为本专辑担纲编曲一职的,是来自中国**,曾于纽约州立大学获得作曲、钢琴专业双博士学位的杨岚茵。她以如诗般写意的器乐语言,和含蓄蕴藉的音乐层次,令脍炙人口的经典旋律重焕新彩。而弦乐四重奏演奏家则由来自美国著名茱莉亚音乐学院毕业的中国**、中国香港、韩国的艺术家组成。来自纽约卡内基音乐厅的录音大师Leszek M.Wojcik,则在录制过程中展现了令自己多次荣获格莱美奖的高超技艺。叶云川谨以此张专辑,代表曾在迢遥的时光中,被悠扬的旋律和亲切的歌声启蒙和温暖过的全体歌迷,为这位一代巨星献上深情真挚的缅怀。 弦乐悠悠,如诉如慕。琴音绵绵,若梦似水。缕缕乐声,将心中满溢的思念浅斟低唱。伴着茫茫人海中永不谢幕的传世之音,沉溺于一段缠绵缱绻的浓情回忆之中,邂逅一个时光尽头的迷人身影。 Foreword: Teresa Teng is one of the most well-known Chinese-language singers of all time. She was born in a rural mountain village in central Taiwan, and at six years old showed remarkable talent for singing, then went on to release her first solo album at the age of 14, after which she quickly garnered fame and worldwide acclaim. As the first Chinese language popular music singer to attain international influence, she was greatly loved and praised among listeners both Chinese and otherwise, and was described as “the singer with a billion fans”. As with many other great legends she died at a young age, leaving her many fans throughout the world heartbroken, as from that point on the only way we could enjoy her voice would be through the everlasting performances she left behind. During her short life of only 42 years, Teresa Teng was a bright meteor in the sky, giving off all her light before striking the Earth, offering a gift to Chinese language music that will never be forgotten; nor will her irresistible smile and adorable dimples; nor her natural elegance, that made her seem like she had walked out of a dream. But most of all we will not forget her satin, almost magical voice, which has the power to penetrate the hearts of listeners, and has accompanied many throughout their life journey. Teresa Teng and her music are precious gifts graciously granted by our world, and her eternal charm solidifies her status as a symbol of her era. On this album Rhymoi Music veteran producer Ye Yunchuan returns to his roots, searching for the most memorable sounds of his youth. For the recording he once again travelled overseas, this time to global metropolis of New York, and enlisted a team of up-and-coming musicians, who portray Teresa Teng’s timeless classics through the interpretation of a classical quintet, as an homage to the achievements of her lifetime. Intoxicated by The Scent of the Night, amidst the cool southern breeze, listen as the nightingale sings its lonesome tune. The Moon Represents My Heart; as the trees whisper in the wind, remember that I think of you. The lady of unparalleled beauty has been seen once again, On the Other Side of the Water. Not even A Thousand Words can express all the sorrow and loneliness collected in the deepest reaches of my heart. In a world as vast as ours, what are the chances of finding one’s true soulmate? No matter how much time passes, I Only Care about You. The music arranger on this album was Winnie Yang, who was born and raised Taiwan, and who received a dual PhD in piano and composition from Stony Brook University. Her musical expressiveness is absolutely poetic in nature, and the layering of her works are able to breathe new life into well-known classics. Meanwhile, each of the quartet performers, originally from Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea, graduated from the Juilliard School in the US. The Carnegie Hall recording artist, Leszek M.Wojcik, winner of multiple Grammy Awards, infuses the album with his own unique talents. Ye Yunchuan would like to dedicate this album to the memory of Teresa Teng, who had such an impact on his early musical education and love for music. The strings whisper their deepest secrets, as the song of the piano flows like water, the melodies coming together while the soft, dreamlike vocals join in. This legendary voice has created countless fond memories among countless listeners, and will be enjoyed for generations to come. 1.胭脂泪 Rouge and Tears 原曲:刘家昌 原词:李煜 歌词摘选:林花谢了春红/太匆匆/无奈朝来寒雨晚来风 Original song written by Li Yu, composed by Liu Chia Chang Lyrics interpretation: The forests and flowers have lost the red of spring / all too fast / now nothing can stop the morning rain and evening wind 此曲原收录于邓丽君1983年发行的专辑《淡淡幽情》。邓丽君在自己首次亲身参与策划的这张专辑中,极具独创性地以现代音乐演绎流传千年的宋词名篇,从而使这张专辑不但成为她巅峰时期的经典之作,也成为了华语流行音乐史的里程碑。典雅而深情的钢琴五重奏,带着中国古典风韵,描摹出一幅清新淡雅而又诗意盎然的水墨画卷。在这缱绻乐声中,留恋风雨中零落的如胭脂般红艳的花朵,也缅怀一代歌后千娇百柔的温暖歌声。 This song was released on Teresa Tang’s 1983 album Poetry and Rhymes. For this album, the first of which Teresa participated in the music production, she innovatively combined modern musical styles with classical Chinese poetry, consequently pushing her career to a new peak, while setting a milestone in Chinese popular music. The elegantly expressive piano quintet, with undertones of classical Chinese stylization, paint a picture that feels timeless yet fresh and full of vigor. In this musical portrait, Teresa’s golden, silky voice portray images of scarlet red flower petals whisked away by the first winds of autumn. 2.空港 Airport 原曲:猪俣公章 原词:山上路夫 歌词摘选:雨中的空港/我伫立在登机台上/向我挥别的你已经渐渐模糊 Original song written by Yamagami Michio, composed by Inomata Koushou Lyrics interpretation: At the rainy airport / I stand on the platform / I see you waving at me, farther away, and farther yet 此曲发行于1974年,作为邓丽君打入日本歌坛的成名作,为她夺得了第16届日本唱片大奖“新人奖”。 钢琴疾驰,仿若飞机舷窗外掠过的一盏盏灯火,随泪光中跌宕的情感而明灭闪烁。弦乐波澜起伏,如同深藏心中的缱绻爱意,在这别离时分,念念不舍地涌动不已。流行音乐和日本演歌风格的融合,为乐曲赋予了令人回肠荡气的戏剧张力。在绵绵的雨丝中,挥别旧爱,怀着那一份纯真与坚强的决意,越过云雾迷离的天空。 This song was released in 1974, and marked Teresa Tang’s claim to fame on the Japanese music scene, earning her the “New Artist Award” at the 16th Japan Record Awards. The piano dances along, like lights on a runway as a plane taxis for takeoff, growing ever blurrier with overwhelming tears, as the string music rises and falls with the multitude of emotions given rise to by such a bittersweet farewell. The song fuses Japanese-style vocals with pop music, creating a timeless masterpiece full of expressiveness. In the willow-wisp rain, this goodbye to an old love conveys heartfelt sentiment that can be felt through the thickest of fog and clouds, from the most distant of skies. 3.恰似你的温柔 Just Like Your Tenderness 原曲、词:梁弘志 歌词摘选:到如今年复一年/我不能停止怀念/怀念你/怀念从前 Original song written and composed by Leung Wang Chi Lyrics interpretation: In a summer like this / I can’t stop thinking / thinking about you / about how things used to be 这首华语乐坛的经典名作,初问世时默默无闻,经由邓丽君的翻唱而被点石成金,在1980年代掀起热潮。那一份被封存于记忆中的温柔,来自于谁的双手,曾在暮色中带着融融暖意,将人拥入胸怀。随着乐曲节奏由缓入急,大提琴的宽厚,中提琴的丰满,小提琴的柔美,钢琴的通透明亮,交织碰撞,此起彼伏,仿佛深藏于心中的澎湃海潮,倾诉着难以消却的深沉爱恋。 This song, now a classic of the Chinese language musical pantheon, received little attention at its initial release; until Teresa Tang covered it, providing the touch it needed to be propelled to widespread popularity throughout the 80s. Those tender hands can never be forgotten, nor can their warmth as they pulled close in an embrace. As the song’s tempo builds up, the wailing cello, aching viola, graceful violin and sprightly piano, all come together in rises and falls like the tides in the depths of one’s heart, telling a story of unforgettable affection. 4.小城故事 Tale of a Small Town 原曲:翁清溪 原词:庄奴 歌词摘选:小城故事多/充满喜和乐/若是你到小城来/收获特别多 Original song written by Zhuang Nu, composed by Weng Ching-Hsi Lyrics interpretation: Small towns are full of stories / full of joy and happiness / if you come to our small town / you will never forget it 发行于1979年的台湾经典电影《小城故事》,以群山怀抱的三义为背景,讲述时代变迁中的小城风情。邓丽君为电影演唱的这支同名主题曲,在朴实无华的曲调中展现出意蕴无穷的魅力,在当时直接推动了电影票房的飙升。原曲中由传统民乐演绎的柔美旋律,如今在西洋化的器乐语言诠释下,时而清新淡雅,时而又充满明朗活力,洋溢着对淳朴人情的赞美。乐曲最终在一片诗情画意的意境中,收束于蕴含着淡淡感伤的回忆。 This song, released in 1979 as the theme to the Taiwanese film of the same name, tells the story of the small Taiwanese mountain town of Sanyi as it undergoes generational changes. Teresa Teng’s charmingly simplistic vocal rendition was so compelling that the film’s box office performance reached unexpected heights. This song, originally a melodious traditional tune, is portrayed on this album through the lens of modern instrumentation, at times light and refreshing, at others overflowing with vitality, standing proud as an homage to rustic, natural charm. The song ends with poetic imagery carrying with it subtle tones of bittersweet memories. 5.夜来香 Scent of the Night 原曲、词:黎锦光 歌词摘选:夜来香/我为你歌唱/夜来香/我为你思量 Original song written and composed by Li Jinguang Lyrics interpretation: Scent of the night / I sing for you / scent of the night / I think of you 1940年代风靡于十里洋场的抒情小调,1970年代经由邓丽君的翻唱而重焕新生,成为超越时代恒久流传的华语金曲。月色旖旎,夜莺轻柔鸣唱。树影在清凉的晚风中摇曳,花儿在荡漾的星光下绽放浓香。弦乐与钢琴以流畅轻盈的步点,带着少许即兴式的俏皮色彩,在浪漫隽永的怀旧氛围中回旋共舞。这如梦似幻的夜色,让心灵沉醉在一片柔情蜜意中,重温那永难忘怀的馥郁芬芳。 In 1940s China expressive ballads were very popular, and in the 1970s, this song, after being covered by Teresa Tang, was revitalized and immortalized as a classic Chinese-language staple. Amidst the soft glow of the moon, the nightingale sings its tender song. The gentle night breeze makes the trees sway, as the flowers, in mid-bloom, offer their intoxicating aroma to anyone who happens to be enjoying the cool air. The strings and piano come together in a fluidly rolling tempo, with a touch of improvised playfulness, dancing together in the nostalgia-filled night. The dreamlike scene embodies a magical presence, as if it were able to make past memories into present realities. 6.在水一方 On the Other Side of the Water 原曲:林家庆 原词:琼瑶 歌词摘选:绿草苍苍/白雾茫茫/有位佳人/在水一方 Original song written by Qiang Yao, composed by Lin Jiaqing Lyrics interpretation: Among the vast grasslands / and expansive sky / across the water / there is a fine lady 深情柔美的小提琴,以缠绵的颤音模仿莺鸟的宛转啼鸣。钢琴空灵涌动,伴着大提琴低沉悠长的和应,营造出一片恬静而幽远的古典意境。此曲因以西洋流行曲式演绎《诗经》名篇而著称,原本是琼瑶于1975年为自己的同名电影创作的主题曲,1980年代经由邓丽君的翻唱而成为脍炙人口的华语经典。乐至收梢,袅袅弦音随波荡漾,渐行渐远。美人如幻梦般消逝在萋萋芳草深处,留下恍然若失的惆怅和无尽的遐想。 The violin, through a deep, gentle vibrato, imitates the lonesome call of a warbler, while the ethereal song of the piano is mirrored by the tremulous sound of the cello, creating a tranquil, classical atmosphere. This song is known for fusing the ancient Chinese poetry collection The Book of Songs with modern Western-style music, and in 1975 was first written by Qiong Yao for the 1975 film of the same name. In 1980, when Teresa Tang released a cover of the song, it became an instant Chinese-language classic. As the song draws to a close, the sound of the strings gradually fades away like the ripples on a pond. The dreamlike lady disappears into the lush forest, leaving behind only longing and reverie. 7.望春风&我一见你就笑 Spring Breeze & You Make Me Smile 原曲:冼华(我一见你就笑) 邓雨贤(望春风) 原词:刘而其(我一见你就笑) 李临秋(望春风) 歌词摘选:我一见你就笑/你那翩翩风采太美妙/跟你在一起/永远没烦恼(我一见你就笑) 午夜无伴守灯下/春风对面吹/十七八岁未出嫁/见着少年家(望春风) Respective original songs written by Liu Erqi and Li Linqiu, and composed by Xian Hua and Teng Yu-hsien Lyrics interpretation: You make me smile / your gracefulness makes my heart ache / when I’m with you / I don’t have a care in the world (You Make Me Smile) A lone lantern in the deep night / a spring wind fills the air / a fine young, unwed lady / spots a fine young man (Spring Breeze) 春风吹动夜色中婆娑的花影,也唤起少女朦胧的心事,让那清丽的面容,在灯火中不禁浮现出动人的微笑。台湾地区最受欢迎的闽南语歌谣,和现存的唯一一部邓丽君主演的电影的插曲,曾经在同一时期由她演唱。而数十年之后,这两支经久不衰的歌曲,竟又在这典雅隽永的乐声中邂逅。充满西方浪漫色彩的跌宕旋律,和颇具中国传统的温婉清丽的曲调,此刻奇妙地契合在一起,令聆听者怀着幽幽情思,追忆岁月中悄然流逝的美好时光。 In the spring night a wind picks up and makes the flowers dance, reminding a young lady of a pleasant memory, and amidst the soft glow of the lantern the fine features of her face light up with a subtle smile. This Minnan dialect folk song, the most popular of its kind in Taiwan, appeared in the only extant film to star Teresa Teng, was also performed by her during the same period of her life. Now, several decades later, these two timeless classics are brought together for the first time. A rolling melody highly influenced by Western romanticism, and a distinctively traditional Chinese sound, come together with astounding synergy, offering the listener a glimpse at the songwriters’ memories of days long past but never forgotten. 8.千言万语 A Thousand Words 原曲:左宏元 原词:尔英 歌词摘选:那天起/你对我说/永远的爱着我/千言和万语随浮云掠过 Original song written by Er Ying, composed by Tso Hung Yuen Lyrics interpretation: From that day on / you told me / you’d always love me / a thousand words gone like puffs of clouds 1973年,仅仅19岁的邓丽君为经典爱情电影《彩云飞》献唱的这支插曲,历经近半个世纪的多次翻唱,由数代人的集体回忆赋予了更加纷繁复杂的色彩。钢琴与小提琴,以哀而不伤的柔情,轮奏出悠扬真挚,而又缠绵蕴藉的旋律。仿佛昨日还在约定,要晨暮相拥,那些融化于心头的甜言蜜语,却仿佛一场春夜醉梦,去如朝露匆匆。爱情变幻莫测,徒留一份幽幽的思愁,伴人看芳草枯荣,花开花落。 In 1973, when she was only 19, Teresa Tang recorded this song as the theme to the classic romance film The Young Ones. Throughout the next half-century it was covered numerous times, leaving last impressions in the memories of countless listeners spanning several generations. The piano and violin, with their mournful yet tender songs, come together to create a melody that lasts long after the song has ended. All those promises of days past, the vows to always be together, the sweet nothings, are now gone, like waking up from a dream of midsummer, to the sight of first frost on the window. The vicissitudes of love are everchanging, leaving behind memories both heartwarming and heartbreaking. 9.我只在乎你 I Only Care about You 原曲:三木刚 原词:慎芝 歌词摘选:任时光匆匆流去/我只在乎你/心甘情愿感染你的气息 Original song written by Shen Zhi, composed by Takashi Miki Lyrics interpretation: Let time slip past / I only care about you / I want to be enveloped by you 此曲发行于1987年,是邓丽君演艺生涯中最后一张国语专辑的主打歌曲。深情委婉的曲调,既承载着当时正处于事业鼎盛时期的邓丽君,对多年来始终支持自己的听众的真挚谢意,也承载着十亿华语乐迷,对这位亚洲歌后超越时代的倾慕和追念。或许如果没有遇到你,茫茫人海间,还有谁的歌声能使人忘忧。弦乐娓娓如诉,泛起记忆的涟漪,伴随着温暖而质朴的钢琴键音,回味这一段刻骨铭心的音乐情缘。 This song was released in 1987, as the main single on Teresa Tang’s final Chinese-language album. Released at the height of her musical career, the song’s deeply heartfelt melody carries with it a sense of gratitude toward her fans for their long-term support, and also reflects the admiration and fond memories the one billion listeners had for this Asian superstar who was, in the eyes of many, far ahead of her time. Without you, among all the singers in the world, which could have left me with such unforgettable memories? The strings whisper their subtle song, bringing back a flood of memories, as the simple yet touching piano melody transports one back in time to the first time they heard this music. 10.阿里山的姑娘 The Girl from Alishan 原曲:张彻 原词:邓禹平 歌词摘选:高山青/涧水蓝/阿里山的姑娘美如水呀/阿里山的少年壮如山 Original song written by Deng Yuping, composed by Cheh Chang Lyrics interpretation: The lofty mountains green / and trickling streams blue / the girls from Alishan are as beautiful as water / the boys as strong as mountains 1947年创作于中国大陆的动人歌谣,1950年代开始在台湾地区流传,1980年代由于邓丽君的重新演绎而在大陆被广为传唱。一道浅浅的台湾海峡,为这首原本洋溢着欢乐的乐曲,赋予了太多传奇而伤感的故事,也为从未能踏足大陆的邓丽君,带来了终身难解的遗憾。本专辑所收录的版本中,悠扬畅美的乐歌,踏着轻快的节拍,演绎出原住民自由奔放的山地风情,并以情真意切的音乐表达,令人对那云雾缭绕,草木常青的宝岛名胜充满向往。 This mainland Chinese folk song, first written in 1947, was brought to Taiwan in the 1950s, and in the 1980s reached a new height of popularity with the release of Teresa Teng’s version. The winding straights of Taiwan imbue this song, originally full of joy, with a story of hurt and longing, as Teresa was never able to travel to the mainland and meet her fans throughout her lifetime. The version included on this album features a pleasant melody and catchy rhythm, exquisitely portraying the persona of the residents of the rural mountain regions, and its frank musical expressiveness engulf the evergreen island of ****** in a shroud of enticing mystery. 11.泪的小雨 Tears in the Rain 原曲:彩木雅夫 原词:庄奴 歌词摘选:分不出是泪是雨/泪和雨忆起了你/忆起你雨中分离/泪珠儿洒满地 Original song written by Zhuang Nu, composed by Ayaki Lyrics interpretation: I can’t tell if it’s tears or rain / they make me remember you / remember us parting in the rain / my tears fall to the ground 小提琴奏出深情而悠扬的前奏,似感叹也似惋惜。随后乐曲节奏由柔和舒缓,逐渐转为明朗轻快。婉转而流畅的旋律,令人回想起年仅17岁的邓丽君,初唱此曲时流露出来的那种少女特有的纯真和爽朗。有缘相遇相知,无缘相伴相守。那一场绵绵细雨中的离别,曾经让多少眼泪垂落在睡梦里。然而如今隔着漫长的时光回望,心中已不再有痴缠哀怨,只留下对青春往事的深深怀念。 The violin cries an intro that is both a sigh of desperation and a moan of regret. Then the tempo gradually transitions from slow and deliberate to fast and sprightly. The soft yet catchy rhythm reminds the listener of Teresa Tang at 17 when she was first beginning her career, encapsulating that sweet innocence unique to such young ladies. Whether our paths cross, and in what capacity, are up to fate to decide. How many mid-dream tears have been borne of that single rainy goodbye? But after all the years that have gone past, my heart is no longer filled with grief and infatuation, now only fond memories of youth remain. 12.月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart 原曲:温清溪 原词:孙仪 歌词摘选:我的情不移/我的爱不变/月亮代表我的心 Original song written by Sun Yi, composed by Wen Ching-Hsi Lyrics interpretation: My passion shall never waver / my love shall never change / the moon represents my heart 邓丽君于1977年演唱的版本,令此曲成为了华人世界中流传最广的中文歌曲之一,并使她往往被人误认为是歌曲原唱。清澈流淌的钢琴键音,如同轻柔似水的月光,营造出一个微明而静谧的夜的世界。小提琴以质朴而柔和的音色,缓缓奏出似歌谣般琅琅上口的主旋律,副歌部分不同乐器声部之间的缠绵对话,以极具感染力的方式,将积蓄的深厚情感予以宣泄,仿佛以高悬夜空的明月为证,倾诉一段矢志不渝的爱恋。 The version of this song recorded by Teresa Tang in 1977 propelled it to become one of the most widely known Chinese-language songs in history, with many erroneously believing her to be its original performer. The piano melody, as soft as a trickling stream, and as heartwarming as the glow of the full moon, creates an atmosphere of a tranquil, ambient night scene. The violin’s mellow, straightforward melody carries the simple yet unforgettable lyrics, while the array of instruments that come together for the chorus form a mélange that is absolutely irresistible, letting loose to feelings of undying love held deep inside, with the bright moon above as witness. 演奏家简介: 小提琴:魏靖仪,台湾新生代小提琴家。2015年比利时伊莉萨白女王国际音乐大赛优胜。 小提琴:杨智仁,曾以独奏者身份与 KBS 交响乐团 及 New Amsterdam 交响乐团合作。也曾在著名 Cadogan Hall, Salle Gaveau, 卡内基, 肯尼迪音乐厅,及北京国家大剧院表演。 中提琴:林维洋,新亚室内乐协会的共同创办人及艺术总监。以全额奖学金于茱莉亚音乐院取得学士及硕士学位以及纽约州立大学博士学位。 大提琴:罗咏媞,美国著名茱莉亚音乐学院获硕士学位。她曾以独奏者身份与世界著名乐团合作, 包括纽约爱乐、俄罗斯爱乐及波士顿交响乐团,并曾与马友友合作演出。2003年应邀于联合国代表大会作独奏演出。她曾于纽约卡内基及林肯中心等著名音乐厅表演。 About the musicians: Violinist: William Wei. Laureate of the prestigious 2015 Queen Elisabeth International Violin Competition, Taiwanese violinist William Wei has begun to show his expressive and unique sound to the world. Violinist: Ji in Yang. Ji in Yang has performed as a soloist with KBS Symphony Orchestra, New Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra, also appeared as a versatile violinist in venues like Cadogan Hall, Salle Gaveau, Carnegie Hall, the China National Centre for the Performing Arts, and Kennedy Center. Violist: Andy Lin. Taiwanese born violist and erhuist Andy Lin is the artistic director and co-founder of the New Asia Chamber Music Society, and holds his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from The Juilliard School, and Doctoral degree from SUNY Stony Brook. Cellist: Wendy Law. Graduate of the Juilliard School, cellist Wendy Law has performed as a soloist with renowned orchestras including the New York Philharmonic, Russian Philharmonic and the Boston Symphony, as well as alongside Yo Yo Ma. She has performed at the General Assembly of the United Nations and at Carnegie Hall. 编曲及钢琴演奏家简介: 杨岚茵 著名旅美音乐双博士, 作曲家,及钢琴家。现为纽约非营利「跨乐」音乐协会的创办理事及音乐总监。先后毕业于美国奥柏林音乐学院、纽约曼哈顿音乐学院、纽约州立大学石溪分校,并获颁纽约州立大学最高荣誉奖取得钢琴演奏及理论作曲双博士学位、钢琴与理论作曲双硕士学位、学士学位、及钢琴演奏家文凭。在中美两地获得多项音乐奖项,被美国音乐协会受邀成为荣誉会员。曾受邀参加许多国际音乐节,近期作品演出活动包括在纽约地区的卡内基音乐厅及林肯中心、华盛顿特区的史密森尼协会、日本东京、荷兰皇宫、台北、高雄。曾获Stony Brook协奏曲比赛优胜,并与 Stony Brook 交响乐团合作拉赫曼尼诺夫第二号钢琴协奏曲。近期委托创作及合作的乐团及音乐家包括: 台湾交响乐团、得过九座格莱美奖的美国爱默森弦乐四重奏小提琴家Philip Setzer、美国著名钢琴家Gilbert Kalish、纽约Distinguished Concerts International New York国际音乐经纪公司、纽约古典音乐家乐团、Amphion 弦乐四重奏、North/South Consonance乐团、台湾白鹭鸶文教基金会、缅甸国际音乐节等等。原创音乐 [舞梦- Dancing Dream] 获得2012年美东华语电影节的 [最佳音乐短片奖] 。所成立的双钢琴团体 Renaissance Duo将在2019年于纽约卡内基音乐厅举办首场音乐会。 About the Arranger & Pianist: Dr. Lan-In Winnie Yang has enjoyed success as a superb pianist and fine composer. She holds two Doctorate degrees: DMA with the Ackerman Award of Honor in Piano and PhD in Composition from Stony Brook University, two Master’s degrees from the Manhattan School of Music (Piano) and Stony Brook University (Composition), and a Bachelor’s degree in Piano and Composition from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Dr. Yang won the 2008 Stony Brook Concerto Competition, and performed with the Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra. Dr. Yang is also active in solo recitals and chamber concerts; her performance activities and compositions have taken her internationally throughout Asia, Europe, and the United States including: Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall in New York, Smithsonian in Washington, DC, Taiwan Concert Hall in Taipei Taiwan, Dutch Royal Palace Het Loo, Japan TV Asahi Corp. Music Hall in Tokyo, etc. Yang’s compositions have been commissioned and premiered by orchestra, chamber ensembles, soloists, and foundations including the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, 9-time Grammy Award-winning Emerson String Quartet violinist Philip Setzer, distinguished American pianist Gilbert Kalish, New York Classical Players, Distinguished Concerts International New York, North/South Consonance, Amphion String Quartet, Egret Cultural and Educational Foundation, and Myanmar Music Festival, etc. Her original music for “Dancing Dream”, a music video for erhu and piano, won the “Best Music Video Award” in the 2012 Mid-Atlantic Chinese Film Festival. Dr. Yang is the music director and co-founder of MuseConnect, a 501c3 nonprofit music organization. She also formed Renaissance Duo, a piano duo which will make its debut at Carnegie Hall in New York in 2019. 制作人简介: 叶云川 音乐制作人,美国格莱美协会会员,创立中国声誉卓著的音乐品牌“瑞鸣音乐”,并任制作人,中国传媒大学艺术创作导师,中国金唱片奖最佳音乐人特别奖获得者。从事音乐创作、制作多年,获海内外重要音乐媒体高度评价,部分作品被海外唱片公司收录出版,所制作的音乐作品在高端音乐市场得到较大认同,并远销海外,成绩斐然。担任制作人的唱片及音乐作品曾多次获“美国独立音乐大奖”“中国金唱片奖”“中华优秀出版奖”“华语音乐传媒大奖”等一百五十余个奖项,在中国城市广播联盟评选“中国十大发烧唱片”中数次入选,作品多次入选“CD圣经”等海内外专业评比。因多年与国际音乐制作及出版行业的密切合作经历,音乐创作理念及制作手段具有国际化的开阔视角。 音乐创作思路坚持独特创新,风格多样,追求品质,积极进取,注重作品文化性艺术性,在行业中具有鲜明特点。倾力于挖掘发扬中国传统文化与音乐的结合,擅长用世界音乐语言及方式表现中国音乐。对中国传统文化及民族音乐有着深厚的感情,并立志成为中国民族音乐与世界文化交流的传递者。 About the Producer: Ye Yunchuan, Producer, composer, arranger, graphic designer, Grammy member, and the founder of one of China’s most prestigious audiophile recording labels, Rhymoi Music, Ye Yunchuan is further distinguished as the first Full Voting Member of the American Grammy Awards (The National Academy for Recording Arts and Science – NARAS) representing the Chinese music industry. He is, without any question, one of the rising stars in China’s growing music industry. Prior to his current activities, Ye established an international reputation, as a composer and producer, being awarded one hundred and fifty times including several American Independent Music Awards, Chinese Golden Album Awards, numerous rave reviews in CD Bible (China) in addition to being included on China City Radio Association’s “Ten Hottest Albums” roundup. Years of cooperation with international music production and publication circles has provided him with a truly global perspective. As founder of his own recording label, Rhymoi Music, he is committed to establishing new standards of excellence for recorded music in China. Rhymoi Music recordings are immediately identifiable - with their innovative approaches to programming, world-class musical and artistic standards, beauty of presentation and packaging, cultural relevance, and their conscious desire to introduce the treasures of Chinese music to an international audience - Rhymoi Music is without peer. With his deep commitment to the traditions and national music of his homeland, Ye Yunchuan is committed to building new and ever more creative and beautiful bridges between the musical heritage of China and the musical traditions of the world. Ye Yunchuan continues to realize his vision with each new recording. 制作成员: 出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川 制作人:叶云川 编曲: 杨岚茵 录音:Leszek M.Wojcik 混音:廘楠楠 录音助理: 孙绍庭 中文文案:赵子涵 英文文案:安仁良 录音花絮摄影:YC 平面设计: 张洪科设计事务所 后期制作统筹:徐逸飞 出品:瑞鸣音乐 Production crew: Producer: William Ding, Ye Yunchuan Executive Producer: Ye Yunchuan Arrangement:Lan-In Winnie Yang Recording Engineer: Leszek M.Wojcik Mixing Engineer:Lu Nannan Recording Assistant:Shao-Ting Sun Chinese Text: Zhao Zihan English Translation: Nick Angiers Recording Session Photography: YC Graphic Design:Zhang Hongke Design Studio Post Production Assistant: Xu Yifei