*~*~*~*~*~此专辑为内地发行版本*~*~*~*~*~ 几个春秋的积淀,无数行走的心言 前言 在梦里,心绽《莲花》。 莲垂清露,水影绰绰,漾出爱与人生的一环环,周而复始。 人生的第一步为爱而出,《出塞曲》,无言说,无疆界。 游记卷页,羞掩了《致情人I》的花样年华。 回头与前望,《好容妆》怎能一路饮风沙,真想放手。 然而心逐渐被什么羁绊?谁不愿如候鸟,与《致情人III》比翼齐飞。 尽管而今形影相吊,好在温暖融于心底的《故乡》。 日里舞台华彩,人们说我为《国色》。夜里落幕揽镜,佳人豪杰我却是谁? 原来我只记得行走,忘记了初衷。我要《回来》,寻回起点里的梦初觉。 1.《莲花》 莲与己身在梦境中共鸣。他凝视水中孤莲,潸然泪下,因为明晰了轮回的此情不渝。 首尾呼应,运用戏腔歌咏莲花,扩展时空。中段转用本音直抒胸臆出自己的念想——彼岸莲花的遥不可及,却已经开在脑海心间,相伴相生。 从此结缘,因此开始。 2.《出塞曲》 婉转空灵的嗓音在新世纪清乐中飘渺而至,从古至今,我们的第一步,注定行走无疆 这是李玉刚潜心三年创剧《昭君出塞》的主题曲。 是在歌咏昭君,也是在诉说我们,抉择命运却漂泊孤旅。 穹落夜漠,迈出脚步,无畏、无倦。 3. 《致情人I》 箫声漫引,行路至此,当春乃发生,人世几变幻。 以叙事为主的日记式语言铺陈出的永恒记忆,品味“人生长恨水长东”的悲欢离合。 提琴的自然融入令听者颇有《花样年华》之感,唤醒了我们的纯爱。 “路漫漫,耳畔叮咛”的浅吟低唱,似是从留声机的黑胶唱片里为大家流转出一代人的刻骨铭心。 4《好容妆》 这是醉卧花间追忆芳魂的旧人心境,当时歌遍彻、弦断无人和。 谁都有年少轻狂的时刻,“珍惜”二字,由春风怀香、伤花伤情的场景中款款而来。 低哑的男声后又闻女音在遥遥相和,古今情同。 “花开花落岂无妨,自今意思谁能说”,这是歌者的一种留白,充满随风释然却历久弥新的想象…… 5. 《致情人III》 再饮风沙,追爱不悔。 旋律勾画出了空灵的天、美好的忆、飞翔的寻、与焦急的叹…… 我们常用候鸟的“归去来”比喻长情之人,李玉刚用双声唱法将曾经的失落与而今的无憾交织在一起。 其中的鼓点与飘音在高潮部分震撼人心,体现了诉求完美结局却求不得的决绝。 6.《故乡》 从漂泊不定的云彩与旅人肩上的行囊开始一个自问自答的故事。简单的吉他,舒扬的提琴,主人公与异乡的风花雪月对话,勾画故地的面貌。他落泪、也微笑。 这是李玉刚境遇的写实,异地的乡愁没有悲苦、却多了回忆与期望的甘美。人间烟火的温情充斥在口耳相传的小调中。弥足珍贵的真情实感可令他乡客寻到一丝温暖、获得一种力量。 7.《国色》 对镜梳妆,寂寂轻唱,诸多才貌双绝皆已沉寂于一纸戏文。 漫醉于美人迟暮、英雄末路之悲。却又突然,因驰骋沙场的热血过往,振奋而醒。 李玉刚一人演绎的男说女唱,是深厚的艺术功底也是多变的历练情操。 美式rap似打破了格局,却能表现出东西文化交融的畅快。 红妆与武装,皆是中国色 她与他,人生如戏,来去有歌。 8.《回来》 是执着的等待还是放弃的离开?你仍未到来,我独自徘徊。 脚步响遍春花秋月。追逐的路途本是一场等待。 电子音的跳脱,是坦然轻快的诉说。 鼓与弦乐后入的浓墨重彩,是思绪的层层迭起,直至呐喊出无尽的呼唤。 我最终选择回来。 站在原点,宛如初见。 Accumulation in numerous years. Aspiration in numberless walk. This is my inner dream, where a Lotus is dropping dew on water. The ripple of shadow is like the circle of life, in which I'm on my way to go Far Away. The first step is full of endless love. Dairy of walk covers my youth, which wrote To My Lover I. From the past to the future, how can I let my Beauty suffer the wind and dust? I would rather let her go. However, my heart has fastened To My Lover III. If only we would be migrant birds who could always fly together. There left my lonely heart, fortunately I found the warmth from my Hometown. During the day on the grand stage, people praise my Color of Nation. But when I face to the mirror at night, the image is real me? I just remember to walk but forget the intention. I need to comeback, to find my original inner world. 1.《Lotus》 The song narrates singer's dream. The lotus resonates when he gazes on her. He tears for her cleaning and consistent mind. Both in the beginning and the end, Li Yugang eulogizes Lotus by ancient opera. In the middle, he changes into modern voice to admire the deep bond with Zen and great love accompanied by lotus. From this inner image, everything starts. 2.《Far Away》 Misty voice gradually comes into our ears with the sound of new-age music style. It spoke our first step in the history. This is the theme song of Li Yugang’s drama The legend of Zhaojun after he has concentrated on creating for 3 years. It eulogizes the ancient beauty Zhaojun meanwhile discribes our own expe-rience. We all wanted to fight with fate but struggled alone. Desert is still as empty as night sky. We go far away, bravely and promising-ly. 3.《To My Lover I》 The bamboo flute sings an old song. During the hike, spring is coming. Who whispered following my life?It was my lover. The lyrics is like a period of memory on the dairy. The author expresses the vicissitudes of life and the elusive love. The melody of violin brings us the pure sentiment of last century. At that time, gramophone record told us the deep love from a whole generation. 4.《Beauty》 I am drunk among the flowers. I only remebered singing with my beauty but my beauty is gone. I missed the fragrance of youth and cherished the moment. In the song, dumbly voice accompanies with melodious voice. Li Yugang uses both male and female sound to act a pair of lovers. Not more in detial, but let us imagine a sigh for time. 5.《To My Lover III》 People are fond of comparing lovers to migrant birds. The melody describes a pair of migrant birds’ flying. It's all about pursuing, memory, anxiety. Lovers want to be together till the life is end. But when we are on the way, nothing can be sure in front of those difficulties. However, we never regret because of the ever better. 6.《Hometown》 From the floating cloud and the shoulder bag, a self-questioning story be-gins on his way. With simple melody played by guitar and cello, he draws a picture of his hometown. Then, he tears and he smiles. This song is created by Li Yugang according to his past. The song is full of cozy atmosphere instead of homesickness, just like people's childhood. For everyone, when we leave home and pursue our dream, we may gain support from this real inner sound. 7.《Color of Nation》 Face to the mirror, the graceful figure shows up by classical opera sound. The lady is sad for all heroes and beauties only can be recognized from the history. Suddenly, a man's voice narrates the story in the strong beat and the song changes into the enthusiastic feeling. This is Li Yugang acting two historical roles. And Puzo's popular raps is well modified the ancient song. Actor and actress played the epic and let us know what is our national cul-ture. Actually, the color of our life formed the color of nation. 8.《Comeback》 Clinging wait or leave away? I hasistated alone cause you never appeared. Footsteps are wondering through four seasons. Chasing on the way is just waiting for the moment. Electronic sound shows the brightly words of my story. Following the melody of drum and string, my feeling is gradually stronger. Finally, I exclaim with determination: I still comeback and stand here. Wait for you as my first appearance.