The Next Generation
糖果盒子成立以来第七张大碟“The Next Generation”。Jade走了,单飞了和GEO组成双人团体继续延续Sweetbox擅长的古典与流行的奇妙碰撞,组合保持原名,迎来了崭新的主 音歌手接替Jade,她就是美丽+实力的Jamie Pineda小姐!!!自己掌声鼓励一下这位新晋小妮子,有胆量接替Jade一定实力不俗。果然,糖果盒子新主唱将以往的古典流行融入了更加前卫的音乐元 素----RNB节奏。古典音乐配上RNB会是什么样子呢?答案是无比超级的好听。实质上,糖果盒子歌迷都应该明白,现在的组合实际上已经名存实亡,没有 Jade就无法是完整的她们了。不过换了新风格依然是耐听至极,Jamie的声音有种浓浓的暖意,甜甜的,美美的,柔柔的。。就像一颗融化在嘴里的巧克力 糖那么贴心。喜欢旋律那样一抹哀愁,如雨丝一点点流进心窝里,悲伤的音符在四处跳跃配合着古典音乐独特的色彩。。才发现,这样的音乐也那么叫人心疼。 The Next Generation is the seventh studio album by international pop music project, Sweetbox. It is the first album to have Jamie Pineda on vocals after Jade Villalon departed on her solo career. It is also the first album to have Derek Bramble as the producer after Geo left. The album was released on June 10th on the Warner Music Group label. The album sticks to the Sweetbox theme of mixing classical music with pop. We Can Work It Out samples Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Crash Landed samples Bach's Toccata & Fuge in D minor Magic samples Beethoven's Symphony No. 9. The latest version of Everything's Gonna Be Alright still uses the classic piece by Bach, Air on the G String. A remix version produced by Yasutaka Nakata is included on the album as a bonus track and received airplay in Japan, along with the first single. Reception Reception of the album was generally positive with most people being on the fence about Jamie bringing a more American R&B feel to the project. The tracks Crash Landed and the lead single both got positive reviews for including classical sampling while the new version of Everything's Gonna Be Alright was also received with mixed views.