30岁的“海有多深” ,40岁的“山有多高”,纪录片导演与素人音乐家再度跨界相遇。 以汤湘竹的电影为基调,陈建年想像陪伴著一位老者去旅行,扶持著他一起回到印象模糊的湖南老家。拉起了二胡、吹起了笛子,以吉他演奏出树欲静而风不止的感叹,一片片朴朴风尘里蜿蜒曲折的往事,一首首来自影片所映照出他对生命源头最初的记忆音符,空灵、深邃而肺腑。 已经很久没有听到有著这么温柔和谐地关照生命的表情,这是来自陈建年另一把吉他感情,展现他那擅长以音乐叙述影像情绪的声音美学。 The self-taught musician Paudull once again works with the master of documentary, Shiang-Chu Tang after the former scored for the latter’s documentary How deep is the ocean in 2000. This time Paudull is inspired by Tang’s another masterpiece, How high is the mountain, imaging that he accompanies an elder returning to his hometown, Hunan. Paudull fuses western guitar with Chinese musical instruments such as erhu and wooden flute, portraying the scenes of this road home. We can hear his tender solicitude toward life through these deep and touching melodies, finding how expert Paudull is at narrating and depicting the stories with musical chord.