贝多芬、亨德尔、柴可夫斯基、拉威尔......这些音乐大师和sweetbox会有什么关系?那么就来听听她们的这张专集吧。当一段熟悉的古典旋律拌着强劲的节拍抢耳而来的时候,你就惊叹于他们的创造力。在当今各路偶像乐团层出不穷,令人眼花缭乱的国际乐坛,sweetbox绝对是与众不同的一道风景!由德国天王级制作人GEO(Ace of Base 、Bananarama 、Mezzoforte等组合的幕后制作人)先后与才华女歌手TINA HARRIS、JADE VILLALON组成的这支合唱团自欧洲古典音乐大国德国起航不久便红遍欧洲舞池,个性鲜明的风格使他们的唱片一时成为舞曲文化的新时尚。 Classified is the second Sweetbox album and the first album to feature Jade Villalon as the frontwoman and songwriter. Released in 2001, the album was made in three different editions. Sounds on the album include pop, dance and rock, with all of the songs based on various classical pieces, many borrowed from famous film themes. With Jade Villalon's songwriting style, this album saw Sweetbox's sound change from the R&B influences of its past. Three additional songs were written for the album; "In the Corner" and "Heartbreaker", which were released on two Sweetbox demo compilations, and "Happy Tears", which was released on Jade's final album under Sweetbox, Addicted.