‘Four Seasons’ is a breakthrough album for Yunnan Yizu Rock and roll primarily because instead of, like so many exponents of the style, starting life as rock band searching for ethnic influences to add flavor to their sound, Manhu’s starting point is a genuine authentic ethnic root, all of the members Manhu’s music are Sani ethnic artists, is more grounded and sincere as a result and their identity is natural and free of contradiction. Uncompromising high energy arrangements effortlessly bridge the gap between old and new, showcasing a myriad of Yi traditional instruments in a contemporary context. 蛮虎乐队以对本民族音乐的敬畏和对摇滚乐的热爱为出发点,创作出这张对于云南彝族摇滚乐独具创造性和突破性的专辑——《四季》。专辑内收录了十一首以云南彝族民间小调为基础,以摇滚风格来编曲的现代化民族音乐,在彝族传统乐器和西方摇滚乐器的融合下,曲调被赋予了祖祖辈辈流传的小调新的生命力,以大众喜欢的方式为本民族音乐的传承做着点滴努力。 制作发行:云南淼木文化传播有限公司 地址:云南省昆明市建设路180号协信天地 电话:0871-68052052 出品人:Sam Debell 刘先锋 制作人:Sam Debell 录音棚:声巧明音乐录音棚 录音:韦敬民 Master:韦敬民 混音:韦敬民 艺人照片拍摄:昂贵 设计:邹思丝 云南音像出版社出版 电话:0871-65382502 地址:昆明市五华区人民西路94号 出版监制:段卫克 责任编辑:施加华 编辑:韩铸 徐炜 张金彭