Candy from Stranjjurs Vol. 2 (Box 2 of 2)
Stranjjur Imprint PROUDLY presents one of our best released to date. Set to be delivered to you in complete form, over 2 weeks; In 2 separate boxes, each filled with an assortment of ear candy. Featuring exclusive cuts from stranjjurs you now know very well, such as Viadrina, Lula Circus, Lee Brinx, Ricky Ryan & Kosmas, FLY O TECH, and Havens+hart..... and most importantly, we want you to meet some strangers.... Keely Says ; 2nd Sequel; Rami Deejay & Mike Fisher, Sunset District, Jimmy Maheras, Pawn Shop and David Marston. You thought you knew Stranjjur. Well, By definition, that is simply an impossible feat to accomplish. Both boxes of endorphin-releasing Candy from Stranjjurs define what Stranjjur is, what we do do, and will continue to do until we just fall off the planet, or people just stop going to clubs and loving sexy, intricately produced and downright ass-shaking music.