渔舟唱晚,源自《滕王阁序》,这艘渔舟穿越千年时空,以中国传统音乐美学为帆,以西班牙弗拉门戈节奏为桨,在万里之遥的大西洋海岸找到意境的共鸣。 《新乐府|渔舟唱晚》召唤出中国、西班牙的传统民乐曲式,在自东向西的丝路上一路驰骋,从民间到宫廷,穿越不同流派,带我们踏上一段瑰丽的吉他幻旅,在不断解构重组、不断摇摆于东西方的音乐意境中,让人不知究竟是庄周梦为蝶,还是蝶之梦为庄周与。 专辑中每首乐曲背后均有不同的脉络,恰似三毛笔下散落于大西洋上的明珠——加那利群岛,既自由独立,又遥相呼应,勾勒成一幅壮美的音乐画作。 《新乐府|渔舟唱晚》是新乐府推出的又一张跨界创作专辑,邀请西班牙加那利五弦吉他(Timple)演奏家赫尔曼·洛佩兹与他的搭档西班牙吉他演奏家安东尼奥·托莱多和中国古典吉他演奏家陈曦来到位于北京的新乐府录音棚,三把同源而今形态、音色、演奏手法各异的吉他在遥远的东方交汇,在与中国民乐的交融中创造出崭新的现代世界音乐,来自中国和西班牙的传统旋律、节奏融合了弗拉门戈和爵士乐的即兴创作,这张专辑完美地呈现出东西方韵味的融合。 “Yu Zhou Chang Wan” comes from “Preface to Tengwang tower”. This fishing boat travels through millennium time and space, with Chinese traditional music aesthetics as its sail and Spanish flamenco rhythm as its paddle, finding resonance in the Atlantic coast thousands of miles away. The album evokes traditional folk music from China and Spain. It gallops all the way from the east to the west on the silk road, from the folk to the palace, through different genres, taking us on a magnificent journey of guitar illusion. It is constantly deconstructed and reorganized, constantly swinging in the music artistic conception of east and west. Let the listener become Zhuang Zhou who dreamed of turning into a butterfly, or the butterfly becoming to a man in a dream ? Each track on the album has a different vein. It's like the canary islands which Sanmao once described it as "a pearl scattered over the Atlantic". They are both free and independent, but also echo each other at a distance, outlined as a magnificent music painting. This album is another fusion album released by the CMH. CMH invited Spanish timple player Germán López, his partner Flamengo guitarist Antonio Toledo and Chinese Classical guitarist Chen Xi to CMH recording studio in Beijing. The timple, the traditional instrument of the Canary Islands, and the Spanish guitar come together with the classical guitar and traditional Chinese music to create a new universal and current sound.The result is a contemporary proposal that perfectly blends East and West. Traditional melodies from China and Spain join improvisations derived from flamenco and jazz as well as incorporating rhythms and nuances of both cultures.