Without You
In a bizarre world filled with craziness and color, Dirty Sole returns with a new single that screams exactly that. "Without You" features US vocalist and producer Foremost Poets, who has worked on several of the group's previous singles in addition to their recent FWD Motion album. If you ever thought it was possible to combine the sound of the 80s, with electronic music from the future, look no further. "Without You" is a dark, melancholy ride that has all the new markings of a Dirty Sole record. The vocal is in perfect harmony over the wavy synth sound, which seemingly warms you into a trance. As you delve into the visual experience, the video for this single is a diabolic story of three, who end up without one. It's a sick and twisted plot that seriously leaves you wondering who you can trust... Complimenting this single is a low down remix from Chicago rhythm artist, Change Request. This mix turns up the funk but keeps the primary pieces in place. A creative, yet favorable approach makes this version quite the accessory.