绯色地平线全新迷你专辑《Mist》将收录一首Intro与五支正式曲目,在继承前作凶狠而直接的死核基础之上,延伸出不止五种超脱于传统重型框架的风格;这五首歌亦将叙述五个独立的故事,以其独特的旋律与叙事,传递着五种截然不同的情绪。诸多阴暗邪魅的元素,绝对让你瞬间置身于无尽寒戾的迷雾之下。 The new album Mist of Scarlet Horizon includes an intro and five original tracks. Different genres and styles of modern metal elements are combined into these pieces on the base of Deathcore, and via this Scarlet Horizon is bring VR music to a new defination. In their own way, Scarlet Horizon will deliver the unique emotional expression in the stories written in each track.