Afrohouse Session EP
Angolan based DJ Satellite has had a strong run of releases since their debut here on Beatport earlier this month.Dyce Jones dug into the leftovers of the highly anticipated Malembe Malembe EP and releases it for the strong fanbase. The opening section builds with warped LFO rhodes pads and tripped out FX adding colour until the middle breakdown where a snaking synth bass enters and continues to twist and turn throughout the remainder of the track. A perfect example of high impact deep house which is just about the most succinct way to describe the DJ Satellites Style. Angolana baseada DJ satelite teve uma corrida forte de lancamentos desde sua estreia aqui no Beatport no inicio deste Jones month.Dyce cavaram as sobras do Malembe Malembe aguardado EP e libera-lo para a base de fas forte. A secao de abertura constroi com entortadas almofadas LFO rhodes e disparou FX adicionar cor ate o colapso do meio onde um synth bass serpenteando entra e continua a torcer e virar todo o restante da pista. Um exemplo perfeito de casa de alto impacto profundo que e apenas sobre a forma mais sucinta para descrever o estilo de satelite DJ