Africangroovin_Wolf Mix - Single
In a strange distant city in the confin of Africanisation, Bantunani, parking of the freedom of the people, comes thanks to the wild sound of their afrogroove, to hunt(chase away) one of the last tyrants. AfricanGroovin is a little more than a music, the mixture of kind(genre) becomes famous so visually in this metropolis which we dismissal in so much city of the world as to rest more the apocalyptic prediction of the song. So, we understand that the music of Bantunani is real rampart in front of the oppression and of the malicous gossip, it is then a tool of resistance. Michel Nzau, here, interprets two roles: that of the citizen who, the first one, knows that the city runs a grave danger but who, feels he even lived by the will of the metamorphosis in new type, negroid and android, the tyrant whom he wants to fight.