The Secret of Time
Welcome to Baby boomers...The Secret of Time" This is an album produced by Scott Howard a Baby Boomer that has lived life and survived to write about it in song. The niche are the Baby boomers wo have grown up with great music and are still looking for something "New" but "Old" like an ole' friend coming home OR anyone with a love a real music and lyics. The songs weave a story within the fibers of a life lived to the fullest with Triumphs and failures all to learn the lessons of why we are all here...and what is next. Please take the time to listen and enjoy the give of life in song. Scott Howard has played music for 40 years and now at 52 years old has written his "Tea for the Tillerman". For those who love Cat Stevens, Peter Gabriel, Moody Blues, George Benson or the harmonies of will digest this great music meal over and over again...and not be hungry 60 minutes later.......NaMaste'