Gabardine Swine
I'm Nicole Chaplain-Pearman a.k.a. FLUFFY THE PITBULL. I studied classical voice & music history at university. I'd always wanted to write, and had written a bit of stuff, but all this studying took time away from creating. Once I was through being sensible,(I never got the cushy, college teaching post I was bucking for! Perhaps it's just as well.) I got back into writing in a big way. Then I picked up a guitar and the rest, as they say, is histeria. If you like disco, country, easy listening, lounge, "lite" rock or that schlocky pop stuff usually sung by cute, female singers who sound like they have asthma you won't like my music AT ALL. If, on the other hand, your tastes run to the quirky side of alternative and you appreciate a mixture of dark and funny, you'll probably get quite a kick out of my stuff. I love anything that rocks,i.e., punk, metal, hard rock, alternative, industrial, art rock etc. Some of my favourite bands are The Tea Party, The Pixies and Faith No More. I also enjoy world music. I'm a total klezmaniac(klezmer music a.k.a "Jewish Jazz" for those of you who don't know) & general fan of Jewish music. I also really like Russian, Middle Eastern, flamenco and Japanese music (especially the Kodo drums!) You won't hear all of these influences in my music. Some are a lot more noticeable than others, but the each played a part in the inspiration. Check it out for yourself & listen to the samples on this site. Enjoy!! Fluffy.