Cartoons I'd Like to F***
The Internet video "Cartoons I'd Like To F***" or CILF, took the web by storm in late 2006. This is the CD single released by the artist performing in the video, ZACHARIAH. (aka Zach Selwyn). Watch it below! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82DjpPX60xU Known for his regular role as a comedic correspondent/sketch actor/writer on G4 TV's "Attack of the Show," Zach continuously makes his audience laugh with his potent combination of comedy, improv, music and characters. His serious side can be heard in his country rock hip-hop band, the extremely popular Lobos Riders, who have been featured in dozens of films, including 2005's award-winning "Dead and Breakfast." The two bonus songs on this single are older rap tunes Zachariah recorded with a pre-Black Eyed Peas FERGIE and Pistol Opera lead singer ELI BRADEN in the early- mid 2000's. Smooth-E, aka the Suburban Homeboy, appears and produced CILF. www.suburbanhomeboy.com Enjoy the funniest song to be released all year - and we know, there are hundreds of other CILFs out there...