Boulevard Confessions
We are very exited to present two tracks that our Danish resident artist Mathias Mesteno has send us. Mathias has been part of the Upon You family since day one. He occaisionally also released his classic and still very individual formed house tracks on Freerange and Tic Tac Toe Records. If you count his collaboration with our UY boss Marco Resmann, then here comes his fifth release on Upon You! The Boulevard Confessions EP comprehends two tracks. On A1 he is cooking in "Keke´s Kitchen" an outrageous whorled open air slammer, which can`t wait to be initiated on the beaches around the world. The b side- the "Concrete Boheme" seems more calm but finds it´s use and purpose as a deep-house track in the forests of modern styles. Like always Mathias suddenly rolls up the beat and is sure to surprise the consumer with unlikely rhythm variations. UY 062 in the house!