Sightseeing Through Whiskey
Matt Dahan’s music career started twenty years ago with an abandoned upright piano and a Talkboy tape recorder in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. Today, his music has been performed or synced onto nearly every medium – from scoring stages in Los Angeles to concert halls in New York City, from Top 40 radio stations in North America to hit television shows in South America. However, with his eyes to the future and his heart set on connecting with listeners, he can’t help but feel like his journey within the ever-evolving music industry is just getting started. The passion to write for all kinds of musicians and formats led Matt to Berklee College of Music, where he specialized in songwriting alongside the best writers and performers in the world. His ability to write for any and every genre has amounted to nearly 400 songs to date, as well as a versatility that opened the door to television placements on high-profile networks such as MTV and PBS. Meanwhile, he had been playing his songs with various pop bands around the east coast for almost a decade, compiling accolades from Berklee to Billboard as he made the trans-continental jump from Boston to Los Angeles. In addition to songwriting, Matt began professional work as a film composer in 2010. A trio of dark-suspense thrillers paved the road to the musical comedy How Sweet It Is, a film for which Matt's score and original songs were recognized with three semifinalist positions at the 86th Academy Awards. This was quickly followed by the critically acclaimed independent drama Lonely Boy, which played at festivals across the country en route to three major jury prizes. Matt currently has several new feature film scores in the works, as well as music and lyric writing for various artists. He's always up for a new adventure, and if you look closely, among all of the musical instruments and recording equipment Matt has in his Los Angeles studio, his original Talkboy is still there - and it's still working.