Maywave makes his first outing of the year with Flames another red-hot single to add to the long list last year! Burning up release 126 on the Progressive imprint the young Polish starlet serves up more of his high intensity, peak time tones! On remix duties we have Dreamy who hands in a full-on driving mix to compliment the Original. The Original Mix has memorable written all over it, some real poignant stuff from the Polish whizkid! Flames takes you on a fantastic journey with a catalog of emotions kicking off right from the intro. The piece transforms into a breakdown to die for with a fantastic riff echoing through and soaring pads before the track really explodes! Opulent melodies, lavish sounds and a percussion set & bassline that will make any dance floor erupt! Dreamy turns in a super charged uplifting number on the flip that will surely ignite any energetic set! Turning the track on its head Dreamy turns Flames into a peak time smasher with a colossal guitar breakdown and smash and grab climax!