The Noise Trade Loft Sessions Mixtape and More
Rachael Yamagata is a storyteller with a compassion for the darker side of relationships. Her fans gravitate towards her ability to articulate emotion that captures equal parts nostalgia and sadness along with a sense of hopefulness. She writes at 4am and whisper sings like a voice in your head. Rachael's songs lend themselves well to cinematic storytelling and she's had numerous tracks featured in film and television. Fellow songwriters Ray Lamontagne, Ryan Adams and Jason Mraz, have all been collaborators. After years on major labels, she is enjoying the spontaneity and freedom of independence. Rachael has created an exclusive NoiseTrade mixtape of 7 acoustic loft recordings - performances that are charm filled and delicate with the occasional meow of her cat. Also included are 3 studio tracks, including "It'll Do" a preview song off of her new 'Heavyweight' EP to be released digitally on November 20th and physically on November 27th through her own Frankenfish Records.