光阴一瞥 14岁是个特别的年纪,一切都经历着巨大的变化——生理、情感,还有社会生活。那时的我瘦弱而且内向,没什麽朋友也不擅长运动。跟同龄人相比我是个奇怪的小孩,古典音乐的世界在我看来艰深刻板,让我深感不适。可对孩子而言许 多事情都是出於本能,而我总觉得自己想用我的小提琴说些什么。 音乐的妙处之一在於它是一门极富主观性和感情色彩的语言,从来都没有鲜明的对错之分。我们的感受变幻莫测,可它们本身,不管在什麽时候,总是真实的。我想最初,音乐对我的吸引力便是来源於自由和真实的情感,也正是这些,支持着青少年时 期的我接受各种挑战。实际上,在《14》的故事中,很大一部分就是音乐所具有的发展却永恒的普适性。 录制这张专辑时我14岁。父母早早为我设定了雄心壮志,我也有幸师事以撒·斯特恩(Isaac Stern)、伊紮克·帕尔曼(Itzhak Perlman)和伊达·亨德尔(Ida Haendel)这样的名师,他们给了我巨大的鼓励。那时我在德意志留声机(Deutsche Grammophon)旗下进行了一系列的录制。那时我大概不太明白其意义所在,不过随着年龄的增长,我愈加意识到当时能在最伟大的古典厂牌旗下开始录制是何等的荣耀。 这张专辑本是展示我的技巧和乐感的名家独奏唱片,可惜早先未能出版,录音带遗落在德意志留声机的档案室里。这些年来,我从未忘记这些躺在那里积灰的素材,因为我的直觉告诉我录制效果应该不错。我并非自傲,只是作为音乐家,效果好坏清晰可辨:艺术家本身就是最尖锐的批评家。当然,过了那麽多年重听这些录音,感觉挺奇怪。可现在,即便已经过去20年,我仍对结果充满信心。 唱片里的很多首曲子如今已经是我的挚爱——我职业生涯中的伴侣。当然,现在我的演奏和过去不同。我的性格和演奏音色都有了发展,技术也得到了提升。在12岁到 14岁的时候我成长了很多,在录制这张唱片时刚好在努力适应这些身体变化。而与此同时,我又觉得演奏的过程自在自如充满新奇。专辑中的情绪切换和技巧把握 的成功如同本能一般,回顾当时的演奏,我为自己那麽小就如此纯熟而感到惊讶,从没想过那会是真的。 因此我为这张专辑“失而复得”并最终发行感到欣喜。《14》捕捉了光阴一瞥——是我历史的一个“剪影”,是联系我少年时期和成年时期的桥梁,也是我成长经历中重要的一部分。音乐是个人化的:我每天都会演奏,每天会有不同的人听,换一天就会是另一个样子。重拾这张专辑,我不禁感到惊喜与感动,音乐有如此神奇的力量,总能激发想像和心灵的无限可能。多年之後,非常高兴能与你们分享这张专辑——以及其中所包含的情感与回忆。 A MOMENT IN TIME Fourteen is a particular age. So much is changing – physically, socially, and emotionally. I was a very shy, skinny teenager, really not at all popular or athletic. I was an oddity among my peers and uncomfortable in what I saw as the stodgy world of classical music. But when you are young, so much is a matter of instinct, and I always felt I had something to say through my violin. One of the wonderful things about music is that it is a subjective, emotional language where there is never a single wrong or right. Our feelings change all the time, but in themselves, at any given moment, they are always true. I think that freedom and emotional truth are part of what attracted me to music in the first place, and what nourished me through those challenging teenaged years. Indeed, music’s evolving but enduring universality is a big part of the story of “14”. At the time of recording I was 14 years old. My parents set ambitious goals for me and I was fortunate to have great mentors, like Isaac Stern, Itzhak Perlman, and Ida Haendel, who provided immense encouragement. By that age, I had already made a series of recordings for Deutsche Grammophon. I am not sure I really understood what it meant to me at the time, but the older I get, the more I realise what an honour it was to have been able to begin my recording career with the very greatest classical label. This album was supposed to be a virtuoso recital to showcase my technique and musicality. Unfortunately it was not released, and the tapes disappeared into the archives of Deutsche Grammophon. During all those years I never forgot that my unpublished material was slumbering there, since I knew by instinct that the recordings had turned out well. I do not mean to sound arrogant, but as a musician you clearly feel if something has turned out well or not: artists are their own sharpest critics. And of course it is strange for me to listen to these recordings after so many years. But still, today, I fully vouch for the result, even though almost 20 years have now passed. Many of the pieces on this record have since become some of my favourites – companions through my career. Of course, there are many things I do differently now. I have developed my own personality and sound, and my approach has evolved. I grew a lot between 12 and 14 and was in the process of adjusting to all those physical changes at the point this recording was made. But at the same time, I feel it is a performance full of freedom and curiosity. And the album reveals modes of expression and details that I succeeded with instinctively. In retrospect, I find it astonishing that I mastered these things back then. I would never have thought that possible. That is why I am delighted this “lost” album is finally being released. “14” captures a moment in time – a “snapshot” from my history, a bridge between youth and my adulthood, and an important part of how I became who and what I am today. Music is so personal: every day I play something, every day someone listens, the next day it will sound different. Rediscovering this album, I find myself surprised, touched, and constantly reminded of music’s amazing power to reveal the limitless possibilities of the imagination and the heart. After so many years, I am pleased to be able to share this album – along with the feelings and memories it contains – with you. Source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2229036768 翻译:Monica·Evana



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