One Love
‧英国11项音乐大奖的唯一肯定 勇夺英国男声组合销售冠军 ‧收录:全英电台No.1超级单曲One Love ‧英国国宝Elton John爱尔顿强跨刀对唱超级抒情金曲Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word ‧全心推荐全心蓝调情歌Don’t Treat Me Like Fool及引起网友热烈讨论萧亚轩热卖专辑「吻」中合作原曲U Make Me Wanna 2001年,你可能才刚听到的B.A.D.改编自Blue的UK No.4单曲All Rise的作品Oh I。12个月后,我们看见了Blue已经拿下全美音乐奖「最佳新进艺人」等英国11项音乐大奖的肯定、最炙手可热的超级大团。他们的第一张专辑All Rise,全球销售已经超过300万张,其中光是英国就卖了150万张,成为去年度英国专辑销量最高的男声团体。 而从去年年底宣布,在2002年11、12月举行的巡迴演唱会,也已经从10场一路追加到27场,逾60万张人次将参与这次的巨蛋巡演,门票早在2月就全部售罄。除了英国本土的成功,Blue的惊人魅力也在世界其他角落裡蔓延开来,炫风似的横扫了纽西兰、澳洲、比利时、瑞典、丹麦、爱尔兰、东南亚等地的排行。 在过去的一年裡,不论在忙,Duncan、Antony、Lee和Simon这4个大男孩必定利用空閒的时间聚在一起练歌或兜在一起研究新创作,在某个机场、巴士、摄影棚的后台,这张最新专辑One Love中的歌曲,就是这样一路创作出来的。从这些歌中,我们可以看出Blue在这一年来的历练与成长。现在已在英国电台拿下播歌榜的冠军,Simon在4月来台时的灵感创作One Love﹔在萧亚轩热卖专辑「吻」中,最受瞩目且引起网友的热烈讨论的合作曲U Make Me Wanna﹔成熟且令人惊艳的Don’t Treat Me Like A Fool﹔歌迷票选最爱的Simon首次抒情创作Flexin’及可与美国黑人市场竞争的She Told Me等﹔另外Sorry Seems To Be The Hardeat Word这首原本只是翻唱英国国宝Elton John艾尔顿强1976年情歌经典的计划,却在原唱强叔听了Blue的完成带后有了改变,不但主动提出与Blue对唱并拍摄音乐录影带的构想,还直赞Blue有大降之风。 他们充满活力,是有天份且懂得努力的百分百专业艺人。One Love Is All We Need,半个地球唯一的颜色,Blue的声势正如日中天。 Blue returned to the charts with their second release, One Love, and this time it didn't take six months to reach number one but topped the chart the week after its release. The album had been preceded by yet another up-tempo R&B song, the title track, and before that was cold their third number one single had arrived in the shape of "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word." Yet that song, to which they added a prominent beat and some harmonies to the verses, seemed to lend credence to their version; there was even a guest appearance by the song's originator, Elton John. "Riders" and "Flexin" were mid-tempo urban dance R&B tracks, and "Ain't Got You" was a chugging rhythmic series of urban sounds, complete with occasional "uhs" and other assorted interjections, while "Supersexual" even sampled the piano backing from "Still Dre." The verse of "She Told Me" sounded like a cross between R. Kelly and Craig David, but then the smooth harmony chorus breaks in and it's another Blue track. The same could be said for "U Make Me Wanna," which vocally is not unlike Usher, but again, not the same song. "Right Here Waiting" is not the Richard Marx song but a disco track that wouldn't sound out of place at a club in Ibiza. The lads' priorities are plainly spelled out on the track "Without You" as they state "I couldn't live without my cell phone, my 4X4, my credit card, I couldn't live without you" and like the previous album, it ended with a soulful ballad, "Like a Friend."