Untitled #1
"untitled #1", also known as "Vaka" and released as "untitled #1 (a.k.a. "Vaka")" was Sigur Rós' 2003 single and DVD, from the October 2002 album ( ). As late as November 12, 2006, the single remained fifteenth in the Canadian singles chart, having spent a total of 16 weeks in the top 20. This single and DVD was released in may 2003, following the october 2002 release of ( ). The single was released in 3 formats: 1) 3" mini-cd; 2) 5" cd with dvd; 3) 10" limited vinyl gatefold sleeve with an artwork stencil. The 3" and 5" cd's contain vaka (track 1 from '( )') and 3 short b-sides. The band had closed their set with tracks 2 and 3 from this single during their spring 2003 tour, calling the two songs "smáskífa" (single) on their setlist. Track 2 was originally meant to be a remix of vaka but it turned out into a different song altogether, although you can still hear some remnants of vaka in the track. Track 3 features a solo on piano by drummer orri. The DVD accompanying the 5" cd contains the three music videos the band has made thus far: svefn-g-englar, viðrar vel til loftárása and vaka. The menu screen has a video which the band shot of some birds on a wire, with track 4 from the single playing.