Beautiful Freak
真正声名大噪的关键作品,收录全美现代摇滚榜冠军+英国金榜TOP10单曲“Novocaine For The Soul” 音乐界的魔法师E先生,原名Mark Oliver Everett、化名为E,利用异想天开的超凡理念,拼装成主流市场中特立独行的乐团Eels,一路走来他在乐界已超过20多年岁月,不曾被遗忘的跨越各个专业领域,从卖座第一电影「史瑞克」、「惊声尖叫」、「没问题先生」到电视「六尺风云」、「实习医生」、「宅男特务」等畅销戏剧,一再指名Eels的歌曲搭配,就是这麽一位诚实刻划喜怒哀乐的音乐家,让他笔下所撰写的每一首歌曲都赋予了大量情感与故事性。 【Beautiful Freak】:加入Dream Works音乐集团,改以Eels之名后1996年发行专辑【Beautiful Freak】之后才真正声名大噪,本辑收录冲上全美现代摇滚榜冠军+流行榜#39+英国榜TOP10的“Novocaine For The Soul”,入选非主流影展片「Mean Creek/湖群狗党」、「Herr Lehmann/西柏林恋曲」、「Dream for an Insomniac/无梦的美人」插曲;“Your Lucky Day In Hell”则曾出现在YA喜剧「Dead Man On Campus/校园怪谈」、卖座惊悚片「Scream 2/惊声尖叫第二集」、约翰库萨克主演喜剧「Grosse Pointe Blank/另类杀手」等片精彩桥段中。(博客来) by James Chrispell Eccentric and quirky are the best ways to describe the Eels' debut effort, Beautiful Freak. Concise pop tunes form the backbone of the album, yet tinges of despair and downright meanness surface just when you've been lulled into thinking this is another pop group, as titles like "My Beloved Monster," "Your Lucky Day in Hell" and "Novocaine for the Soul" indicate. All in all, Beautiful Freak is a satisfying first record.