Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
\nTom Tykwer专辑介绍:德国人Tom Tykwer是为数不多还有兴趣在自己的电影中担任Score的导演,这方面Charlie Chaplin和Clint Eastwood都应该和他有些话讲。在这部片中Tykwer联合了他的老搭档Johnny Klimer和Reinhold Heil共同完成了影片的配乐。在柏林爱乐乐团和指挥Sir Simon Rattle的完美演奏下,有关影片的的主角——气味,通过音符飘散在观众的脑海里,不同气味来揭示不同的音乐感觉,这恐怕就是影片最让人称道之处。除此之处,State Choir Latvia以及女高音Chen Reiss也为我们带来了美妙的气味回忆,总之,伴着音乐的跌荡来寻觅气味的变换,是指引观众一步步深入影片内涵的关键。\n\n\r\nPatrick Süskind's 1985 book Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, about a malevolent perfumer in 18th-century France, is said to be the best-selling novel in Germany since World War II, and Süskind resisted allowing it to be optioned for film adaptation for two decades until finally giving in to director Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run). Tykwer, in addition to co-writing the film with Süskind and producer Bernd Eichinger, also co-composed the score with Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek. The three have aimed at music that evokes the period and gotten it played by the Berlin Philharmonic under the baton of Sir Simon Rattle, along with the State Choir Latvia and various soloists. (The composers are credited with "electronics" as well.) The result is a moody musical soundscape for the most part, presenting a becalmed but threatening ambience that occasionally breaks out into, as a cue title referring to the main character puts it, "Grasse in Panic." Strings sustain, and soprano voices waft into the rafters as a sense of foreboding goes on and on. Clearly, this is music for a gothic tale of suspense and horror. \n