Let There Be Morning
这张专辑起名为《Let There be Morning》,其中收录的10首歌曲,都是以The Perishers的细致美妙的声音构架而成的。这张新专辑呈现出了一支更自信大胆的乐队,一支完全有资格称作“乐队”的乐队。 就The Perishers的音乐性格来看,与其说他们像Coldplay,倒不如说他们更像是Travis与Club 8的综合体,因为在主唱Ola Kluft的钢琴、吉他弹奏下,几乎所有的取子都以中慢板的抒情摇滚曲为主,而Ola清雅闲淡的嗓音让他们的音乐更加的趋向清新乐派的手法,歌曲的气氛往往远大于乐器本身的伴奏,主唱的声音往往是全张的主角,所以尽管许多首歌曲都有邀请其它的乐手增加其润度,但显然主唱声音的位置永远是摆在第一线的位置。 还好值得庆幸的是,这群大男孩写的词仍保持一定的水准,虽然并非是如顶尖撰词好手那般对用字遣词有着敏锐的下笔,但从〈Weekend〉、〈Sway〉等多首曲子里都可看出他们在面对事件的处理态度仍有其慧黠之心,〈Trouble Sleeping〉讲的是男性处理感情的压抑,〈Pills〉则如同大多数男生面对情人所怀的心态,相对于许多女性创作者在处理情感的微妙描述,The Perishers所反映的就如一般邻家男孩的那般自我压抑与挣扎,但亦如所有的情感过程,黑暗过尽,便是晨光照耀。 Let There Be Morning marks the stateside debut for the Swedish alternative rock act the Perishers. Just three years before, they made their independent introduction with From Nothing to One. The 11-song set was dreamy and earnest, a decent first album, but not exactly focused. Let There Be Morning breathes much easier with its atmospheric piano-laden melodies, light acoustic guitars, and frontman Ola Klüft's warm presentation. There's a brighter sense of optimism on this album, but not in that gushing kind of way that made Coldplay international stars with A Rush of Blood to the Head. It's Klüft's own way of looking beyond the scope of life's problems that is the core of the Perishers' appeal, and it's all without pride. Let There Be Morning is such an appropriate title because of its warm hints and hopeful overtones. Songs such as the lilting title track and "Weekends" play into this, capturing a gingerly kind of freshness. "Sway" yearns for slumberland. Singing about unrequited love never gets old. The Perishers do it in such a way that's not overbearing. "My Heart" and "Nothing Like You and I" are proof of the band's sincerity, and such a trait should carry them a long way in this business. Fans of Radiohead's more melancholic moments on Pablo Honey and Keane's chart singles should enjoy the bliss that is Let There Be Morning.