1998年,为了填补吉他手的空缺,乐团决定将鼓手 Björn Gelotte 改为担任吉他手,并找来新鼓手 Daniel Svensson。同年,他们录制了第四张专辑《Colony》,同样在“Studio Fredman”录制以及与 Fredrik Nordström 共同担任制作人。1999年,《Colony》发行。之后他们在欧洲与日本举行巡回演唱,之后更首度前往美国参加 “Milwaukee Metal Fest”。 by Steve Huey Like their countrymen Entombed, In Flames add the familiar influence (and sense of groove) of classic heavy metal to their extreme death metal sounds, as well as progressive instrumental interludes that help lend a feel of epic drama to their music. Colony's arrangements experiment with sound effects, melodic guitar leads, varied textures, and Hammond organ, adding more detail, contrast, and dramatic structure to the rush of their onslaught and making it a definite step forward for the group.