Beautiful Day
。德国超人气爵士沙龙双人组Jazzamor第四张创作盘! 。金莎巧克力40周年主题曲〈Beautiful Day〉指定收录! 。漂浮在电气微点与绵密美好Bossa Nova、流行爵士的情感大碟! 什么原因让你拥有美好的一天?是在清朗早晨阅读情人的脸庞,是在假日午后散步无人的小城,还是当你听见Jazzamor,空气为之凝结、感觉瞬时浮升的时候? 优雅、浪漫、难以归类却又适合各种聆听状态─Jazzamor的音乐一直以来就拥有这样的特质。来自德国法兰克福的Jazzamor,迄今发表三张专辑,自2003年的《Lazy Sunday Afternoon》、2004年的《A Piece Of My Heart》以及2006年的《Travel...》,张张拥有着绝佳的团队合作默契,从词曲、编曲、器乐到制作,Bettina Mischke与Roland Grosch全都亲力亲为,热爱环游世界的他们,往往在擅长的电子缓拍中,添附了蜜糖的香甜与耽美的氛围,还有织入世界各地的美好乐种;这回,Jazzamor的音乐长旅来到了第四张创作大碟《Beautiful Day》,十二首精心打造的全新曲目,犹如珍珠般闪耀着璀璨温润且又多变的光泽,值得所有Jazzamor的乐迷细细品尝! 《Beautiful Day》叙述的并非概念专辑,所有曲目都忠实地反映着Bettina Mischke与Roland Grosch更私密的个人生活经验,以及喜怒哀乐的情绪。在Nu Jazz、Pop、Bossa Nova、Electronic等乐风的完美调配下,Bettina渐趋圆熟的歌声唱出生活中许多为人所忽略,却能让生活更为美好的大小事件。〈Here And Now〉漂浮在电气微点中,慵懒的层迭着双重声线,是缀着小喇叭的动听佳品;而〈Ambivalent Love Song〉以琴音作为楔子导入电子节拍,扭曲人声倾诉着爱情的矛盾美好;值得一提的是,「金莎巧克力」制造商Ferrero预约指定的〈Beautiful Day〉,不但为其四十周年庆新产品主题曲,更意外成为催生《Beautiful Day》专辑的重要幕后推手,让Jazzamor灵感瞬间迸发,迅速用了八个礼拜的时间一气呵成录制完成! 如果你在过去的Jazzamor专辑里头,听见了成人情调乐慵懒性感的一面,或是他们环游全世界所看见的风景,那么这张新专辑将重新带领听者碰触他们的内心,仔细品尝生活中美好的点点滴滴! There is one thing that distinguishes the typical Jazzamor sound: it is multifaceted, can't be ascribe to any usual style and is magnificently suited to chill out to. This is also the case with their fourth album now: For "Beautiful Day" Bettina Mischke and Roland Grosch formed 12 sound pearls, each shinning in a different color. Latino Sound, Nu Bossa with Pop Jazz influences are the foremost sounds of this new production again. A Jazzamor album is always done in teamwork, both Bettina and Roland are directly involved in all development processes - from sound, to text and production. Both have their "priorities": Bettina Mischke brings soul into the lyrics, often in harmonious cooperation with Mary Applegate; Roland Grosch looks for musicians and is the sound designer: he is the master mind of the so typical minimalist and electronic sounds of Jazzamor, he frames the catchy melodies with small sound gadgets. "Beautiful Day" is not a concept album, the new songs rather reflect the personal life in a positive sense for both musicians. "We both have just let go of happenings in our lives - each of us managed farewells and started new beginnings; these songs are on personal levels," says singer Bettina Mischke. In comparison to the first 3 albums, each of which had much time for production, the twelve songs from "Beautiful Day" were recorded in just eight weeks. This approach emerged as very intense and inspirational. The reason for such short time, is that the company Ferrero (belonging to Nestlé) is celebrating their 40 anniversary for a well known chocolate candy bar and is using "Beautiful Day" to promote this anniversary. As always, many of the musicians playing live on tour with Jazzamor, were also part of the studio team. Speaking of tours: Jazzamor travels very much, particularly in the more eastern countries such as Russia, Ukraine or Azerbaijan. In these countries, Jazzamor is a welcomed guest and the fan base is growing steadily; it is expected to happen in other countries around the world soon, too.