The Effects of 333
没有想到的是,少了一人的阵容的Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 交出的是一张纯器乐的专集 这张新专辑对于BRMC来说,是真正意义上的独立和特别。同时BRMC也非常自豪的对歌迷说,“没有歌词,没有歉意,没有遗憾,仅仅抽象些”。为什么这么说呢? 这张《The Effects of 333》专辑是BMRC近三年来一个很舒心的工程,这些歌产生于公路上,旅店里,床铺上,还有车厢里。是一张纯器乐的专辑,没有歌词。同时启用他们自己的厂牌Abstract Dragon在2008年11月1号美国凌晨3:33分在网上正式发行,目前还没有实体CD发行的计划。这张专辑也算是BRMC的一个开心的过渡,没有压力式的专辑,好与坏全在于你自己。 The Effects of 333 is an album by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. It is their fifth studio album and was released on November 1, 2008. On October 27, 2008, the band announced via a MySpace bulletin that they are to release their newest album independent of any record company. The album is their first release through their own Abstract Dragon label. The album is completely instrumental and is available as a digital download through their official music store as from 3:33 AM Pacific Time on November 1, 2008.