Luigi Nono: Il canto sospeso / Gustav Mahler: Kindertotenlieder
这部作品是诺诺应科隆“西德广播电台”(WDR)的委托,于1955-1956年间创作的。它是一部供女高音、女低音、男高音混声合唱队和大型管弦乐队用的九乐章套曲,全曲演秦约30分钟。 作品第二、三、五、六、七、九几个乐章的歌词,出1954年在意大利出版的“欧洲抵抗运动战士被判处死刑”的历史文件,诺诺选用了其中国籍、年龄、职业等都不相同的10个抵抗战士的遗作。像50年代不少“新人声主义”音乐作品那样,诺诺在这里也把歌词分解为各种音节和语素,分布在不同的声部,既保持了其特定的语义,又产生了新颖的音响效果。作品的音高材料,是一个全音程的十二音序列。第一乐章,仅用乐队演奏有如全曲的序奏。第四、八两个乐章,也没有使用人声。九个乐章被分为(3+3+2)三组,最后乐章为定音鼓与合唱队,有如全曲的尾声。全曲的第二乐章,采用无伴奏八部合唱形式。作曲家在节要创作上,使时值比例与“菲波拉齐数列”相应,处理十分复杂细致,是20世纪序列音乐中难得的佳作。 Performer: Gustav Mahler, Claudio Abbado, Barbara Bonney, Marjana Lipovsek, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Orchestra: Susanne Otto Conductor: Luigi Nono Luigi Nono is one of the best kept musical secrets of the 1900s! He was not only one of the most innovative and creative Italian composers, but unlike most of his colleagues or peers, he enjoyed a personal and artistic relationship with Claudio Abbado and Maurizio Pollini, two authentic musical giants. This recording is conducted by Abbado, in splendid form, and played by, arguably, the best orchestra in the world (Berliner Philharmoniker). The set also includes a Kindertotenleider of rare beauty, here in the soprano version. The booklet explains that this recording is devoted to victims of absurd and avoidable wars, which perfectly matches the text of Nonos "Il canto sospeso". If you like something bit more challenging than Gorecki, and also like atonal beauty, this disc is for you! The Nono foundation in Venice has a very pleasant web site where you can learn about his music. For those who were around at the time the Nono piece was writtenm(50s), this is a serious trip to perhaps more complex yet happy times. Highly recommended.