Marley & Me [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]
马利是美国家喻户晓的明星狗,因为主人专栏作家约翰·杰罗甘自传体的畅销小说《马利和我:和世界上头号捣蛋狗的幸福生活》而风靡一时。影片的导演大卫·富兰克尔曾执导过《时尚女魔头》、编剧改编过《少数派报告》和《翻译风波》。 故事发生在1990年代,杰罗甘夫妇刚刚结婚不久,两人的事业都很成功,一起住在佛罗里达的新房里。夫妇俩原本打算要个孩子,但是又怕自己没经验应付不来,因此打算提前体验一回,先从照顾小狗开始。拉布拉多犬马利就此走进了他们的家庭。马利是个极其多动的小狗,四处惹麻烦,连宠物训练学校都拿它没有办法。但是随着时间的流逝,马利逐渐成为了杰罗甘一家不可缺少的成员。它的纯真、善良,永远对主人无怨无悔的付出,使杰罗甘一家经历了许多美好的瞬间…… by William Ruhlmann By 2008, composer Theodore Shapiro had become the go-to guy for Hollywood comedies, his scores including You, Me and Dupree, The Devil Wears Prada, and Tropic Thunder. The movie adaptation of John Grogan's best-seller Marley & Me was directed by David Frankel, who also directed The Devil Wears Prada, and co-starred Owen Wilson, also co-star of You, Me and Dupree, so it was no surprise that Shapiro was brought in to do the music. A light comedy about a dog, the picture inspires a set of gently engaging tracks from the composer, who deftly mixes pop/rock and symphonic arrangements. He rocks out on "Walking the Plank," uses a tango for "Obedience School," and introduces an appropriately sprightly Celtic feel in "Off to Ireland." With 24 cues in less than 40 minutes, the music rarely gives Shapiro much time to develop his ideas, and in such selections as "First Sleepless Night," he is forced to switch gears quickly to accompany abruptly changing action onscreen. For the most part, acoustic guitar and piano figures carry the themes picked up by the orchestra, which is used for heart-warming swells, for example on "Dog Farm." The effect is to give a contemporary feel with traditional trappings, notably on the main theme, first introduced in "Two Year Montage" and then picked up on the concluding track, "Marley & Me."