The Hunting Album
Hey everyone, My name is DJ SAL from Loreauville, LA. Where the hell is that? Google it! It's too hard to explain. This is my first solo album, but my 4th album I've produced. Growing up in a small town, you find yourself falling into the same patterns as everyone else, and I wanted to try something different. I began recording music at the age of 16 (2003). I produced my first album for the Savage Squad in 2005. In 2008, I got my 1st solo song played on the radio. I made a song for Homecoming at the college I was attending (UL Lafayette). It was a huge success, and from there I began experimenting with different genres of music. I began mixing Zydeco and Hip Hop music together to form my own personal style. Like me on Facebook. S...A...L...Holla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!