Enemy of the State
威尔·史密斯饰演一名家庭幸福美满、前途一片光明的执业律师,正当他心情愉快地帮太太选购圣诞礼物的当儿,巧遇一位久未谋面的朋友。但是这位朋友却好像后有追兵,并且看起来像受到极度惊吓。他狼狈地央求史密斯救他,并在仓惶中拿了史密斯的名片后,便行色匆匆地逃跑了。就在他横越马路时,意外地发生车祸,当场死亡。 其实,史密斯完全不知道自己已陷入一个难以脱身的谋杀案中,因为车祸丧生的友人,刚刚已神不知鬼不觉地,将一张记录着一桩国会议员谋杀的磁碟片,放在史密斯的袋子里。原来,谋杀国会议员的主谋强沃特和他的属下,当时为了取回磁碟片,正追杀着史密斯的朋友,而他们在车祸现场找到了史密斯的名片后,开始寻线跟踪史密斯,用高科技的卫星监视,企图严密控制史密斯的行踪,藉以夺回磁碟片销毁谋杀的证据,并杀人灭口。家庭、事业与生命受到极大威胁的史密斯,唯一的救兵是曾为安全局探员、现在转为地下情报贩子、对安全局的技俩一清二楚、并知道如何反制金哈克曼。 史密斯和哈克曼到底要如何在抢林弹雨突破重围?到底要如何斗智斗狠与敌人周旋才能保命? Enemy of the State is an action thriller, and action thrillers demand two kinds of music (is that why this one needs two composers?), which may simply be defined as fast and s-l-o-w, because you're always either experiencing that thrilling action or recovering from it. Trevor Rabin and Harry Gregson-Williams provide the expected here, combining synthesizer and symphony sounds to create fast stuff like the "Main Titles" music, which is occasionally reminiscent of Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir," and slow stuff like "Brill's Theme," which isn't calm by any means, just ponderous. For the most part, the slow stuff comes in the early tracks, then things speed up and stay that way for an exhaustingly long time, which should tell you something about the movie's plot. Rabin's best-known work is the 1983 hit "Owner of a Lonely Heart" for his group Yes, which sounded like part of the soundtrack to an action thriller, and there's more of the same here. As Gregson-Williams demonstrated on his other co-score of the fall 1998 film season, Antz, he's more eclectic than original. But then, originality isn't exactly the point: have you seen the film?