“Mets” is a cinematic narrative of ten instrumental tracks based on melody and unstrained rhythmicity. Having strong autobiographical elements, the tracks function as a music depiction of past memories and emotional states, small stories tied inextricably with the track titles. It all started in the homonymous neighborhood of Athens, initially as a personal project of Vasilis Dokakis on ambient instrumental themes with intense cinematic elements. At the same time along with Lefteris Volanis (through their side project Mother Tree) they began to indulge in psychedelic folk and the rhythmic perception of the 70s. A building in the heart of Mets, that houses for years now the artistic activities of various Athenian creative teams, was to become the “home” and a source of inspiration for No Clear Mind. The small apartment was turned into a studio. Vasilis Dokakis took over the composition and production and through his daily interaction with Lefteris Volanis and the three new members of the band began a project of intensive recordings, testing, changes and arrangements that lasted over 2 years and resulted in the recording of countless versions, from which stood out the 10 tracks of “Mets”