Styx World: Live 2001
by Bret LoveThere are really only three things you need to know about Styx World: Live 2001 to enable you to make the decision as to whether or not it's for you: one, it's Styx; two, it's Styx without frontman Dennis DeYoung; and three, it's Styx, live, without frontman Dennis DeYoung. If you're still interested in hearing more after reading those three tidbits of info, chances are there's nothing that can be said to convince you that this album is not worth your hard-earned dough. The song selection is mediocre at best, eschewing all the hits composed by DeYoung (which is to say most of them, including "Lady" and "Mr. Roboto," among others). New singer Lawrence Gowan is adequate, but no more than that, and the performances are solid, but nowhere as tight as you might expect. If you simply must hear fan favorites like "Loerlei," "Snowblind," and "Come Sail Away" again, you're advised to break out your original albums and relive the prog rock magic. Don't say you weren't warned....