Songs From The Attic
风格甜美、感情脆弱的布鲁克-怀特(Brooke White)是第七季美偶舞台上最具个人风格的选手之一。她沙哑温暖的嗓音、创作歌手般的演唱风格让人们过目不忘。她同时也是本届美偶参赛选手中声音辨识度最高的女选手,尽管没能得到理想的成绩。但应该会有很多的唱片公司已经瞄上了她,单凭一首惹得全场观众掌声不断的钢琴独奏版《Let it Be》就足以确立她在舞台上独一无二的表演风格。也许是这首歌曲在歌迷和评委中的印象太深,以至于后来的几周,布鲁克始终跳不出这个固定的模式,越发紧张的现场表现也为其淘汰埋下了隐患。 White的第一歌音乐视频《自由》(Free),由Braden Barty执导,Tim Simms制作。在视频中,她演绎了自己从美容学校退学,来到好莱坞追求梦想的故事。 《Song For The Attics》是Brooke White参加比赛前制作的一张专辑。 This is a CD that grows on you, and with every listen you feel a little more comfortable with it. This young singer/songwriter sounds like she has an old soul, and you can easily see why she has been compared with Carly Simon and Carole King. The song that stood out from the beginning was her cover of the Aerosmith 1973 hit "Dream On". Brooke interprets the piano power ballad in her own way, and by the time she gets to the chorus you're right there singing along with her. Another extremely good cover is her version of Coldplay's "Yellow", the second single from their album "Parachutes". Of the other songs, my favorite is "Keep Running", but others to try are "Free", "The Way Things Used to Be", "Change" and "Come to my Rescue". I've listened to some of the early works of the other American Idol Season 7 finalists, and I think this album is the best of the lot. Here's hoping that Brooke White can use her strong fifth place finish to re-launch the career she started with this rather decent album.