Scientist & Jammy Strike Back
by Matt WhalleyAs an installment in Scientist's series of theme albums, Strikes Back is a solid one. With the Roots Radics providing the rhythms and a variety of science fiction references providing the song titles, the album is genuinely a Scientist production. Although the album art work and song titles are derived from science fiction samples, they don't factor too much in the tracks. Mild vocals fill out the beginning of the tracks, and Scientist handles the controls from there. No matter how twisted the Jamaica sense of humor can be, there isn't too much playing on the Star Wars theme in the music. The intensely hokey art work depicting Luke Skywalker and Flash Gordon will prompt people to buy the album, but the Roots Radics are what will make them play it. With the success of this album, Scientist had conquered the Heavyweight Championship, the World Cup, vampires, Pac-Man, and here space. Look forward to him taking on Korean horse fighting, roller derby, and the Miss America pageant.