
跨界奇才“笛神”蔡介诚,淬炼十年孕佳作 以最新顶级 24bits Super Analog 规格呈现,聆赏细腻度媲美黑胶唱盘,推荐给挑剔音质的识货行家珍藏 “老外老中喜欢,音响迷音乐迷更爱;说它是跨界音乐,各种笛族乐器与现代伴奏水乳交融,如云水变幻,想像力无垠!”-音响论坛总编辑 刘汉盛 “全新的艺术血脉,兼具心灵性、专业性,独一无二!” -音乐时代总编辑 杨忠衡 “广袤而深邃,如中国文化里高山、流水与云雾,构筑出文人胸怀一股荡然而悠游的气质!” -文艺作家/媒体主持人 蔡诗萍 曾以《笛之火舞》创下200万张惊人纪录,金鼎奖跨界奇才“笛神”蔡介诚,往往一出手便是当代经典的标竿;对音乐风尚精准的远见,以芒雕般细琢的绵密编曲,创造出超越时空的丰厚意境。 《云水禅说》是“笛神”蔡介诚淬炼十年、在文艺界众人引颈期盼下再度孕生的杰作。专辑中,以五把不同构造的“葫芦丝”;五只不同调性组合的“排笛”;五把高、中、低音横吹、直吹的“巴乌”;战国小埙、楚埙;高、中、低音陶笛;以及十六种收藏自世界各民族的笛族乐器,用最极致的创作音乐情怀,完成这张Hi-End Music演奏专辑。 乐曲导聆: (一).转 此曲以绝妙破格的音乐编创手法,全新詮释一幕流传千餘年的古老音艺禪境;演奏家以“葫芦丝”、“低音膜笛”、“横簫”穿梭时空结界,尝试与东晋桓伊「重奏」这段充满盎然禪趣的新编迴旋曲! TURN: This exquisite over the edge arrangement has given the long spread Zen music an all new interpreation. The musician used "hulusi" , "Bass Ocarina" and "Chinese Flute" to reinterpret Heng-Yi's "Duet" that shuttles through space and time. 转的当下,云雾散聚,骤见翩翩蠂影! (二).游 乍听前引,梦幻细致,彷若置身桃源!再倾耳迴响,曲韵会心,原是名闻遐邇,版本万千的蒙古「牧歌」! “低音巴乌”典雅精湛的演奏,微露的细腻情感,恰与擅於展现音乐表情的“二十六管排笛”对比呼应;间奏后的“中音木笛”主题再现「云游」的自在风情,一览无遗憾! Travel: The prelude is like a dream that puts people in Utopia! The sound resonates and lingers. It turns out to be Mongolian "Song of Normads" , which is famous for its volatile presentation. The astounding performance by the "Bass Bawu" echoing with the "26 Pan Flutes" delicately portrays the flow of the music. After the interlude, the "Alto Wood Flute" cuts into the main theme. "travel like the wind" brings listeners to a carefree world; it's all so clear! 游的当下,总是让整个世界怦然心动! (三).随 乐曲由听似即兴自由的节拍,直接切入主题!然而所有主奏乐器,却是严谨的如影相随!! “二十二管排笛”由每分鐘四十拍直入主题,尔后历经“楚塤”、"高音葫芦丝"、“二十六管排笛”、“中音巴乌”、“中音膜笛"等乐器与乐句变幻,悄然的己演绎至每分鐘五十六拍;全曲实如风动疏竹,听若行云流水,至情至性,动人非常! Follow : Starting with improvised beat, the melody cuts directly into the main theme! Yet all instruments steadily follow the melody. "22 Pan Flutes" cuts into the main themem with 40 beats per minute. Following are "Hum" , "Treble Hulusi" , "26 Pan Flutes" , "Alto Bawu" , and "Alto Ocarins" which naturally cuts in with 56 beats per minute. The entire piece flows freely and lingers affectingly with passion. 随的当下,充满著无限的生命力与爆发力! (四).光 由繁入简--特殊的曲式编排;加上「十二音列」、「七声音列」、「五声音列」善巧的迭换;演奏家以“横簫”、“二十一管排笛”、“低音巴乌”、“低音膜笛”、“高音葫芦丝”、”十七管排笛”六种笛族乐器组合,完美的詮释了此曲外在所呈现出的飘然绝美,与心光不灭的内在蕴涵! Light : From complex to simplicity - a unique arrangement which includes creative overlaps between "12 sound layers" , "7 sound layers" , and "5 sound layers"; the performer uses "Chinese Flute" , "21 Pan Flutes" , "Bass Bawu" , "bass Ocarina" , "Treble Hulusi" , and "17 Pan Flutes" , the combination of 6 different types of flute family instruments, that beautifully interprets the flow of the music. 光的当下,袭自乐声中透出的暖暖温情! (五).听 明确的曲调 vs. 不断变化的调性和絃!并以极致的复调曲式,配合“中音葫芦丝”、“二十六管排笛”、“低音膜笛”、“七管低音排笛”、“高音木笛”、“低音巴乌”等独奏乐器,吹奏出一波又一波悠然愜意的曼妙禪音! Listen: Accurate melody vs. constantly changing harmonies! By using the layer form melodies in accordance with "Alto Hulusi" , "26 Pan Flutes" , "Bass Ocarina" , "7 Bass Pan Flute" , "Treble Wooden Flute" , "BAss Bawu" and other instruments, the presentation is and ongoing carefree music of Zen. 听得当下,娓娓道出,对生命的洞见! (六).念 悠远深邃的“低音巴乌”,搭配著漫漫琴声,内歛的引奏出如诗般的音乐主题;“二十六管排笛”以其丰富的音乐语言,接续吹颂著令人心折的曲调!“低音巴乌”与“高音巴乌”於转调前、后的无间对奏,更为“横簫”、“弓笛”的感性演出,预留了更寛广自由的表现空间!全曲以最简捷质朴的配器,充分展现了音乐无穷无尽的潜在念力! Intention: The profound "Bass Bawu" in accordance with the soft sound of string instruments cautiously performs the poetic music theme. "26 Pan Flutes" uses the rich music language and persistently plays the heartbreaking melodies. The inimtate duet between "BAss Bawu" and "Treble Bawu's" before modulation has moreover given "Cinese Flute" and "Bow Flute" a greater performance space. The entire piece uses the simplest instruments and adequately unfolds the intention of boundless music. 念的当下,烦恼销声匿迹。 (七).惜 此曲乃结合两段不同的完整曲调,以关係大调与关係小调交替应用的作曲手法来完成作品;更特别的精选出E调“加键巴乌”为主奏乐器,由於独奏乐器音域的改良扩展,整首乐曲因而也获得了更大的发展空间。 Cherish: This piece combines two completely different tunes and is cleverly composed by alternating between major and minor keys. It also specially chose the "Additional Key Bawu" in E as the leading instrument. By using the instruments' unique register, the entire piece has attained a greater space of development. This piece uses the "Chinese Flute" as its prelude, interlude, and finale. The "Additional Key Bawu" single penetrates the entire piece. In comparison with any other flute performances in this album, this song has truly manifested its uniqueness. Definitely worth your cherish! 惜的当下,平实亲切,与质朴率真的生活共交流。 (八).观 音啟禪情,自在观心!此曲结合了九把笛族乐器,交相协奏,互为主客,堪称专辑中“创意禪乐”之经典! 音乐以双主题旋律交替进行,内、外双观,再分别用以不同乐器呼应;先是“二十二管排笛”与“中音葫芦丝”唤出“楚塤”、“低音横簫”、“二十六管排笛”所演奏的主题乐句;后由“低音葫芦丝”、“七管排笛”巧引出”低音巴乌”与”高音横簫”演奏再现的变奏主题;后段精彩绝伦的主题竞奏,恰似倾心真情,永无止尽的生命观照! Reflection: The music opens Zen, allowing listeners to reflect true self! This piece combines nine different flute family instruments and intersects performances as each instruments takes its leading rolls. Eventually it becomes a classic creation of "Creative Zen". The music proceeds by alternating between two main melodies then separately echoes through different instruments. First, the "22 Pan Flutes" and "Alto Hulusi" call forth the "Hum" performed by the "Bass chinese Flute" and "26 pan Flutes". Next the "Bass Hulusi" and "7 pan Flutes" call forth the "Bass Bawu" and "Treble Chinese Flute" to perform a variation. The astonishing competition between instruments is a heart to heart never ending reflection of oneself. 观的当下,如流水般愜意自得。 (九).放 “二十六管排笛”即兴自由的吹奏出悠扬感性的乐章;大、小风铃无拘无束自在的律动,愈使笛声放漾自然!入拍后,节奏族群与“中音膜笛”的对奏,就宛如惊鸿般的掠过无形!全曲明快有秩的乐段舖陈,让人意犹未尽,徒留惊嘆!也许是曲终应「放」却难「忘」!! Setting Free: The "26 Pan Flutes" freely performs the carefree melodies; rhythrn of different wind chimes moves uninhibitedly, allowing the flute sounds to flow freely. The rhythm and "Alto Ocarina's" duet performance is such a wonderful surprise, as beautiful as a shooting star! The entire orderly piece leaves listeners in exclaim and the finale sets listeners free yet leaves them impossible to forget! 放的当下,既内敛深沉又舒展奔放。