Reality Check
贯穿这支法国三人组合新砖的是无比动听的流行旋律、带着有讽刺意味的智慧光芒以及 Sofia Coppola 式柔焦般的浪漫风情。由于乐队的成员都是20出头的年轻人,青春期骚动成为了他们作品的核心内容。他们乐衷于谈论爱做梦的年轻人的胡思乱想;他们的灵感来自日落时分的公园漫步、毫无缘由的闲逛超市、情侣间的互相牵手和电影院里偷偷摸摸的亲吻。和大多数口齿不清的年轻人相似,“Reality Check”充满了能让 Serge Gainsbourg都感到无地自容的污言秽语和歌词内容。再加上苦涩的冷幽默,这张专辑成为了21世纪法国lo-fi流行的代表作,当然,少不了的还有这独特的吉他演奏和飞扬的电子合成器的大段 Riff。 On their debut album Reality Check it quickly becomes clear that there are three things French trio the Teenagers firmly disbelieve in: subtlety, propriety, and variety. Let's break them down one at a time. Their sound is filled with clattering drums and drum machines, clanging guitars and huge choruses with shouted hooks. Like a raunchy (and very French) stadium rock band in miniature, they kick up a lot of noise and never stray from being completely obvious at all times. So far, no problems. Since some of the best rock & roll is completely unsubtle and obvious; we can't mark the Teenagers down for that. As for propriety, even for raunchy French pop, there are lines reasonable people wouldn't want to cross. Just kidding! Anything goes in French pop and the Teenagers make sure they make the most of it as they happily touch on having relations with step-cousins ("Homecoming"), lusting after Scarlett Johansson ("Starlett Johansson"), hating weird girls ("F**k Nicole"), getting real, real mad at the girl who stole a Jazzmaster ("Sunset Beach"), and possibly worst of all, shameless self-promotion ("Feeling Better"). If you don't care about right and wrong, love mildly shocking lyrics, and despise Jeff Buckley, then you'll have no problem with the group's flaunting of decorum. The real problem with the album comes with the Teenagers' disregard for variety. Every now and then you run into an album where all the songs sound kind of the same — sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't — on Reality Check every song sounds exactly the same. Singer Quentin Delafon talks through a verse as the music chugs along then the chorus kicks in and the music bursts into bright, sunny hooks. Without fail and without variation, the songs stack up one after the other like pink Legos. Even though the formula is a winning one (and sounds pretty thrilling in small doses), by the end of the album you feel like you were listening to one really long song. No amount of freewheeling smut can disguise the fatal lack of variety on Reality Check.