The Lord of the Rings: Complete Songs & Poems
Complete Songs & Poems 是一个以《指环王》中所有的诗歌为蓝本创作的的乐集,包含了69首歌曲。 The Tolkien Ensemble(托尔金乐团)是一个以托尔金笔下的诗歌为创作源泉的丹麦乐团。他们尝试透过音乐与吟唱的方式,诠释英国文学家托尔金的作品。「托尔金乐团」的成员,是毕业於丹麦皇家音乐学院的乐手,演奏或演唱都具有专业水准。加上饰演白袍巫师萨鲁曼的老牌演员克里斯多夫.李(Christopher Lee)友情客串,在这张CD里担任旁白,更体现了乐团的权威性。 The Tolkien Ensemble with The Danish Radio Sinfonietta/DR Danish National Chamber Choir/Dr Copenhagen Young Strings The Chamber Choir Hymnia The Copenhagen Chamber Choir Camerata Soloists: Christopher Lee Peter Hall Nick Keir Tom McEwan Pocl Dissing Morten Ernst Lassen Kurt Ravn Singe Asmussen Mads Thiemann Ulrick Cold Jörgen Ditlevsen Ole Norup Malene Nordtorp Windekilde Caspar Reiff Morten Ryelund, director This 4 CD-box contains the world's first complete musical interpretation of all the poems in the J.R. Tolkien's masterpiece 'The Lord of the Rings' set to music by Caspar Reiff & Peter Hall. 14 soloists, among these the world-famous actor Christopher Lee, and more that 150 professional musicians, have taken part in the ambitious project, which took 10 years to complete. The songs help one relive 'The Lord of the Rings' in an entirely new way, as they range from happy and funny hobbit folk-songs in the beginning of the book, to evocative and dramatic highlights towards the end.