Mondo Candido
这部诞生于上世纪70年代的作品被赞誉为意大利 CULT电影史上的传奇之作,被众多另类电影迷们称为“一部永恒的荒诞主义电影杰作”。导演古尔蒂罗.雅克佩蒂和弗兰科.普罗斯佩里是意大利著名的"蒙多"残酷派纪录电影大师,国内之前曾D过他们的纪录片套装《世界残酷写真1,2》《非洲残酷写真》等5部影片。但这部1975年的影片也是他们的封笔之作却完全和以前的作品不一样,完全没有之前纪录片中的血淋淋,是一部完全虚构情节的故事片。影片改编自法国大文豪伏尔泰的愤世嫉俗之作《坎迪德》,但导演却用一种疯狂荒诞的电影语言来拍摄。坎迪德是生活在中世纪德国一个城堡中的贵族的儿子,思想单纯而美好,生活无忧无虑而快乐,他的哲学老师潘古斯告诉他现在是生活在宇宙中所有可能的世界中最好的一个里面,其他各个世界中的痛苦,战争他都不能感知到。坎迪德快乐单纯的生活在一次邂逅之后而完全改变,他疯狂的爱上了国王的女儿以至于在偷情的时候被国王发现,两人被逐出了城堡永远不能回来,被放入两个不同的世界中,只有坎迪德找到了失落的爱人,才有可能回到城堡中的世界,于是坎迪德开始了一段奇异世界的旅行,他进入了英法战争时期的世界,被法国人当成是英国的间谍而被杀,于是他的灵魂来到了天堂,遇见了上帝,上帝让他成为天使,但他因为想念着找公主而不愿,于是上帝还给了他的身体,让他跌落到古罗马帝国时代的世界中,从一次军事叛变中他认识了黑人奴隶萨吉奥,于是和他一起开始行程,他们从一个世界到另一个世界,从古埃及时代到非洲大草原,从文艺复兴时期的世界到神秘的印加文明时期,从金钱至上的纽约华尔街到战火纷飞的巴基斯坦,他们不停得穿梭于各个年代的各个世界中寻找着自己的真爱,其间也看到了无数的战争,死亡,残酷,奴役,恐惧和疾病,也曾迷失在这些悲惨的世界中,终于在世界的尽头----一座山谷中,坎迪德找到了已经变老的公主,她已经无法再和他一起回去了,她交给他一个望远镜,她告诉他河的对岸就是他以前的生活的那个世界,用这个望远镜能看到一个像以前一样纯真心灵的他在那个没有仇恨,战争和一切残酷的美好世界中快乐地生活,于是他放眼望去,果真看到一个纯洁的自己快乐的奔跑在山林中,往美丽的城堡跑着渐渐远去。。。泪水滚落他的脸颊,他知道他已经永远也回不去最初的世界了,因为他的心灵已经被玷污而不再纯真,于是他决定在世界的尽头留下来不再远行,和变老的公主在一起,而萨吉奥则继续向前走着,走向另一个陌生的世界。 这是一部极其奇特的影片,影片中大量的超现实的奇幻场景让人恍如置身于梦中,而音乐却好像和电影中的时代背景完全不符一样,在古罗马场景中居然是70年代流行迪士高的背景音乐,居然蹦出个头戴金盔身着古罗马盔甲的家伙手里却拿着一把电吉它狂扭着屁股弹奏着。。。导演创造性地把各个历史世界和各种场景拼帖在一部电影中,而时间在本片中已经完全不存在了,更为怪异的是,在主人公坎迪德从一个世界走到另一个世界的过程中居然毫无铺垫,主人公翻过一座山丘就能从英法战争的年代到一个布景完全不同的古代罗马年代,走过一片沙漠就能从沙漠这边的文艺复兴世界到沙漠那边的古埃及世界,甚至开汽车开过一座大桥一下就能从人潮沸腾的纽约到战火纷飞的巴基斯坦,好象这座桥就是两个完全不同世界的连接。这不能不说是一种超级疯狂的超现实电影手法,导演古尔蒂罗.雅克佩蒂和弗兰科.普罗斯佩里为本片的取景跑遍了亚非欧拉等10多个国家,呕心沥血终于完成了这部极端超现实主义,疯狂奇怪而又蕴涵哲理的CULT电影经典。不能不承认,《蒙多坎迪多》是他们最后的也是最好的作品。 by Thom JurekIf you have to ask who the great Riz Ortolani is, then you've obviously never heard "the" greatest cult soundtrack of all time, the score for the film Mondo Cane. Ortolani, the classically trained composer and orchestrator, was formerly head of the state-run jazz orchestra, and well known for his scoring of television programs. His first -- and biggest -- hit was Mondo Cane with its outrageous blend of jazz, exotica, and schmaltzy classical music. Based on this, he became an overnight sensation in Italian film and was employed consistently by the production/direction team of Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi for over half a dozen films. Their collaboration came to an end with the score for Mondo Candido, a thoroughly erotic yet campy adaptation of Voltaire's Candide. If Ortolani knew his meal ticket was about to get punched, it doesn't show here. From the neo-romantic opening theme, to the fantasia of "La Soldatesse," to the '40s Ellingtonian hard swing of "Panglios A New York," where "Take the A Train" is borrowed from liberally as is Basie's bluesed-out brass arrangement on "One O' Clock Jump," to the lounge-cut time waltz of "Svegliati Ragazzo." Like Candide itself, the score is full of excesses, all of them good, all of them so memorable one only need to hear the score once to have its imprint burned onto your brain. For all its risqué notions, Candide was largely a comedy, and both producers and Ortolani understood this; therefore, with the exception of the over-the-top seduction music in "Un Amor Cosi Tenero," humor abounds throughout the work, subtle at times, flagrant in others. Altogether, the score tells a better story by far than the film it accompanied because there are no messy exits or faltering scenes where actors are left wondering what to do next. Ortolani's score is tight, concise, and full of laughter and passion but just off the mark nonetheless.