King Kong Lives (Limited Editon)
大金刚在军警围捕之下,终于从帝国下厦摔下受重伤,十年后,在乔治亚洲特兰大大学医疗研究,有机会再度复活。为此研发人工心脏,准备为她做换心手术,但要量同类的血液。正当大家一筹莫展时,米奇意外地抓到另一只母猿,并卖给政府以便进行手术,艾咪为此手术执刀,不料手术后的大金刚与母原从回原生地,逃开人类的控制,而被军队重重包围,大金刚被炮击而身受重伤。母猿亦在这次攻击受捕,为展开营救母猿、大金刚将再次肆虐人类... Much belated U.S. premiere on CD of dynamic, thrilling John Scott score for John Guillerman film about the big ape's new love... and his rampage when things don't go well. Scott creates rich overall theme for Kong and his lady and powerful edgier theme for arch enemy Col. Nemit. Both play throughout score in dramatic manner. Highlights are many but "Lady Kong Gets Gassed" merits spotlight. Scott also does courtesy of ending what he starts with stirring, fortissimo coda in major key. Powerful! Scott produced album in 1987, representing every major sequence of his score for terrific a record. CD did happen in Japan but only with intrusive ape roars. Happily, UMG vault masters of original U.S. album were available in perfect condition... without the grunts. Flipper cover offers two slightly different takes on original album cover art. John Scott conducts Graunke Symphony Orchestra.